Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
Reporting the bug again because it seems it was ignored: Using pick up commands to tell players/bots to get items does not work all the time
I would like to add to this bug report that when the problem happens it also stops any players in the group from seeing that you have tagged/pinged an item. I have confirmed this with other players in my groups over discord vc.
I constantly get asked by viewers when i make videos or stream “Why do you stand at items tagging them for so long” and other similar questions because of this annoying bug that i have no control over. I have tried every single fix on my side that is possible including deleting every single fatshark related game folder and file and then reinstalling vermintide 2 and nothing has worked.
Before the pvp patch you could tag/ping an item on the ground and it would always work or if you needed to juggle switch items around with bots so you have the correct items in your inventory you could do it instantly without problems but now i can spend up to 10 seconds at the same item…Do i need to do something special to convince the devs this is gamebreaking problem? I dont understand why its been ignored for 8-9 patches now @FatsharkJulia @FatsharkQuickpaw
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Go to any item and tag/ping it and the bot wont attempt to pick it up and the other players in the group wont see you have tagged/pinged anything when it happens, It can happen multiple times in a row which means i have to waste up to 10 seconds sometimes spamming tag/ping for it to work.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Most of my cata+ games last 40-70 mins and it can easily happen 100+ times in that 1 game.
Platform (Required):
PC - Steam