Upgrading to Exalted (purple), and Transcendent (orange) shouldn't cost Plasteel

The increase of Plasteel is nice, but it still doesn’t solve the fact that I still have a crap of Diamantine and zero Plasteel.

With current crafting it’s wise to craft a TON to blue to fish for blessings, and when you do get around to upgrading to Transcendent, I find I’m always out of Plasteel. Yet I have tons of Diamantine laying around.

Am I alone in this?


Unironically just copy the crafting material crafting option from Vermintide 2 over.

10 Plasteel = 1 Diamantine
Trade up and trade down possible.

Problem solved and after people use up their diamantine the resources gets valuable again.


I mean you get 600+ Plasteel in one run…

If you find it all, funnily enough in most runs I’ve been finding more diamantine because it’s easier to spot from the glow :smile:
This really is a problem, material trading like in VT2 is sorely missing in DT, needs to be in ASAP!

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Doesn’t change the fact that the ratios are pretty off. Especially since we’re encouraged to spam consecrate to blue to find blessings, a process which costs 0 diamante.

I don’t agree with 0 plasteel cost but you could certainly tweak plasteel cost down and diamante cost up to better balance the resources. Like 300 plasteel + X diamante to go from blue to purple then 400 plasteel + Y diamante to go from purple to yellow.

Or yeah just let us trade diamante for plasteel. Even like 1->3 conversion rate would help whenever you see your diamante climbing high.

No arguments here, mat conversion should have been in since day 1.
But now you get 3-4x crafting mats after patch, it’s a lot.
I was honestly expecting a 50% boost not a 400-500% in mat drops.

If they do this (which is fine) it begs the question of why even have two different crafting materials in the first place. They all kind of become the same and one or the other will be a bottleneck to work around. There’s no game play reason to use two different ones at that point.

I’d be a fan of having the different materials actually get used for different things. Eg, maybe Diamantine is used exclusively for extracting & applying blessings and a future option to raise base stats of an item, where plasteel is used for consecrating and refining items. Something like that.

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Good point Mezmorki. I will be honest, though. I feel it’s like that already.
Why have two different resources if only one matters due to a scarcity caused by the abundance of the other?
Why have two different crafting resources to begin with at all, if both tie into the same upgrading process?

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For sure I think it makes sense to just have one material. Like there was just Athanor in VT2 for the weave crafting and it was great.

They copied take dimantine and make it convertible into Aquilas :slight_smile:

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I would love a change in the crafting. On my zealot I’m trying to get blessings and such, and I’ve also found a few weapons that I would love to upgrade.

But I can’t. Because I’m constantly starved for plasteel, I probably have around 12 plasteel and around 2000 Diamantine currently. Doesn’t feel like I’m being encouraged to experiment with builds, instead I’m being punished because the “”“low grade”“” upgrade material is gatekeeping me.

Since I’m so starved for plasteel, starting to wonder if I need to spam low level difficulty runs just to get enough of the basic material to actually have some excess.

Would be kind of neat if you would get a tiny bit of plasteel for bartering away your weapon, instead of only money to use in the shop.

I think they were trying to solve the issue of millions of piled up Ordo dockets. Now that Brunt’s armory emptied everyone’s savings, they’ll tackle diamantine next (either for Ordos or trading up some Plasteel)

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