Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

I dont know how they nerf plasma and give it 4 new blessings, one of which is power that scales with heat level. The plasma gun is going to be absolutely insane and we will probably run blaze away and something new and not run gets hot anymore. Power that acales with heat level is going to be infinitely more damage than crit chance that scales with heat level. Even if they nerf plasma gun its about to get alot spicier.

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Ohhhhhh im dumb

Can we please adjust the cleave damage cap of the Tigrus XV Eviscerator??
The damage drop off to zero at 4 enemies negates most reason to use any cleave blessings,
the weapon absolutly needs the brutal momentum blessing available to it.
Thank you!


i will add not everyone wants to be funneled into playing with a knife that most often is exploited for movement speed and anti teamwork behavior



plz make Eviscerator’s Bloodletter bleeding stack similar to chainaxe and chainsword. I don’t understand why this has been left out for so long


Yikes, as I (and others) have said before, it will be OP AF on the others.
P.S. Anybody else see some potentially very large or broken combos with the new archetype sharing and or blessings?


tactical axe range buff WHEN?


Yeah the T-Rex arm modifier on TAxes (TRexAxes? TRAxes?) is rather silly, whereas the knife is basically a polearm.


but at least, it will be fun :smile:
i like more variety in weapons for classes tbh
DS with thrust on zealot sounds cool, it’s saltzpyre times

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Some good things but a lot of concerning things. No nerfs for dumb weapons like the zarona revolver, plasma gun, mk 15 eviscerator, dueling sword, knives, or power swords. Buffs to already extremely good weapons like the mk 4 chain axe & mk2/mk5 combat axes. Plus zealot & vet getting dueling sword access which could be so broken with their talents.

Very disappointed that a psyker tree rework doesn’t include removing Smite’s anti-fun properties, comes with a ****load of buffs to Scrier’s Gaze builds with zero nerfs to balance things out, nothing to reduce/remove left side builds over reliance on warpfire, and doesn’t include any amelioration of Warp Siphon’s issues.

If Fatshark is going to continue being so timid and scared to nerf clearly over performing weapons and talents then I really hope you’re also working on a new difficulty level beyond auric damnation.



Please do a beta so we can see these changes in action and better give feedback, I think I speak for everyone when I say there’s some good here but way too many buffs and not enough nerfs


Pretty, much but you’re not running out of ammo faster, you’re moving ammo from reserve into the clip which means you have to reload less, great for a horde environment. If you’re going to use 100 ammo either way, it’s better to not have to reload in between.


Thrust is usually worse than attacking twice for the time it takes.
Supercharge on the Paul might be very good though, especially since you get double application on what got hit by both the physical and shockwave part.

I’m not sure it would be enough without some base buffs to Paul though.


Why exactly this change? Can we get some insight? If the idea is lovering efficient of this talent on fast and low cleave weapons and buffing it for slower weapons, just make it scaling with cleave. Like 30% for one target, and additional 30% for each additional target up to 300% it a talent with goes in the same path as blazing piety, so it should be more in tandem of lots of crits/targets dead = more cdr.


idk that seems like some next level powercreep to me. 4% rending per burn stack on both flamer weapons, plasma just ratting away from any sort of nerfs and instead gets some insane blessings that seem to just make the weapon even better, half of the psyker talents sound stupidly good, rumbler is eating good and the list goes on.

Like the meta shift is certainly a welcome one, and finally the thammers seem to do what they are supposed to do but this just seems bit too much in my opinion.


It doesnt help that every time they nerf, there is a massive outcry by a bunch of novices who cant adapt to changes


i agree. There is also little reason to choose the bolt pistol over the stub revolver(s).

the reason behind bloodletter being the way it is on evis is because you can bleed several enemies in one swing, compared to the others

bleeding the entire screen is not healthy