Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

I don’t have time to comment on everything,. but I feel some weapons and classes did not require more power creep, but hey, its all about the journey :smiley:

Few quick comments:

Not a fan of blessings and talents which have an internal cooldown for them to do their thing. This is why Limbsplitter is a below average pick. A reliable, even if smaller effect is a solid pick IF it allows you to do something, like hit a breakpoint. A powerful effect which is tied to another cooldown you are supposed to follow, not really. It’s too random and unreliable.

Eh…just why? This was adding a nice burst of speed when combined with True Aim and enabled some suboptimal but fun melee builds. Meanwhile knife move tech allows you to break speed limits with zero effort.

This strikes me as more for switching to melee after gaining peril from a staff/blitz.

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any reason why the most broken weapons get even more buffed lol


Flamer is nearly useless against Carapace right now. You can barely kill a crusher using multiple ammo tanks. Rending will help for sure.


No Flamer for Veteran? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo

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The melee comes out instantly too though? Force and dueling swords do at least.

What make you think Flamer should be able to kill Crusher? lol.


Can’t wait for this update!!

Thank you @fatsharkstrawhat!!!

Prometheum burns at extremely high temperature and will cook the Ogryn inside this metal armour within seconds.

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Can Bolt Pistol (Bolt Weapons overall) have one more buff up on Cleave rather than just 1.0, 3.0 Cleave? Revolvers are running 2 to 4 cleave as is. My best hope is the Cleave alongside explosion/explosive radius will be great with the cleave to take down at least 3 trash horde gunners shoulder to shoulder or in the a delta formation together

Edit: I am happy to see how the new cleave works overall for the Bolt Weapons

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Please move Soul Drinker to the left side of the tree, all of the other Soulblaze stuff is already over there


Still no Thrust, especially when the Zealot Crusher got it, is immensely disappointing for Paul fans.

No chances to Trauma force staff, nor all of it’s nonfunctional blessings?


No changes to the force sword movesets, or addition of cleave attack combos? Could we also make the special attacks on Obscurus and Deimos actually do something useful and practical beyond just being a tool for peril generation? :disappointed:


I assume it’ll work just like the Ogryn’s Charmed Reload on the Stubbers. Technically yes, you use your existing Ammo, but the need to possibly not have to reload feels amazing.


I love ALL of this. Let’s fuc**n gooo


I hate horde clearing with dueling swords and they are only single target weapons for me on my psyker but who knows maybe they feel completely different on veteran. Alot of these changes are absolutely insane though. Like rending on purgatus staff and surge on the surge staff. As much as i see people here complaining about how op we are as players, these changes look like they are going to make us more op than we have ever been.


Didnt they make it so that it staggers better? It went from like 10-15% or something like that. Seems like a change to me.

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That’s a change to the blessing called Trauma.