Unlocked and Loaded - Weapon, Blessing and Class Changes Balancing Patch Notes - Pt.2

For the Flamer rending blessing, I think it is to bring back the Flamer + Fury of the faithful combo when the ability activation had the ignore enemy armor “bug”, albeit it now cost a blessing slot and is Rending.
This allows the Zealot to burn Crushers like the previous combo (and I guess melt Scab Ragers and Maulers better and allows switching Perk from +10% Elites to +25% Flak?) but only giving up to +16% damage (?) against the rest of the armor types (i.e. Unyielding/ bosses and Unarmored) which is less than Blaze Away or Overpressure.

I’m more surprised with the Purgatus getting this blessing than the Flamer tbh.

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looks great!

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There aren’t anyone forcing you to play highest difficulty you know?


I’m reading it as they switched the node under Coward Culling with the node under Big Boom/Massacre.

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For Warp Unbound, to me it might be added to allow for Warp and Warp + Non-Warp weapon hybrid builds that allows you to spam Warp attacks at 100% Peril for a while (e.g. Illisi Weapon Special/ Surge staff spam at 100% Peril?).

For Crystalline Will, I’ll buy into it if they also buffed the Psyker’s Perils of the Warp explosion to have the same damage and AoE as an Ogryn’s Frag Bomb for the memes.

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Hey this terminology isn’t consistent in the patch notes! Pointing this out so hopefully it’ll be consistent when the patch goes live.


They have test servers where these things have been worked on that various people within the community have acces too. They dont just make new things and release them.

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Dueling sword Zealot? Cursed, and probably also broken as hell with his finesse passives/abilities lol


I don’t think it’s per stack. “on Burn Stacks” sound more like a flat 4% rending vs. burning enemies for me, which would affect your burn stacks too.

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I’m glad you finally extend the availability of weapons, but what do you mean the ‘key to the identity of each class’? I think only psyker and orgin will have this for now. You said it like there are heavy-bolt and melt in darktide.

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It is Fairly Strange that Flame Based Weapons are Getting Rending Stacks, These Weapons Should have a Downside as they can Instantly Evaporate Hordes. With Rending Strikes this May make Armor Less Impactful as you Can Clear Anything, It is both Confusing and May just be too Much of a Buff to those Weapons


Psyker has force swords and staves. Veteran has shovels, helbores and plasma. Zealot has heavy evises, hammers and flamer.


Could the Thunder Hammer get a blessing like this? Adding an AoE stagger probably on just carapace (maybe unyielding too) so that it could be built to better handle a mixed combat situation of hoard and carapace.


Your math is wrong. +175% cooldown regen is added to your 100% normal cooldown regen. Assuming you’re getting crits more than once per 4 seconds, you’ll be at 275% cooldown regen. 30/2.75 = ~10.9s


And Power Sword.

Tbh I think Zealot should at least get the standard non folding shovel. It fits well enough for the trash heap preacher aesthetic FS wants Zealot to have and is in general a fun weapon.

I don’t think it is important to Vet’s identity at all, besides Redditor Krieg RPers. Vut even than giving it to Zealot wouldn’t change anytning for them.


Um, read his post?

He’s not saying take away the difficulty level. He’s saying to normalize the rewards across all the difficulties so that they’re much closer if not even. You know, solve the whole “once per week Joe Sweaty-pants Tryhard posting about how scrubs don’t belong in Damnation/ Auric/ Whatever runs” issue?

It certainly seems like a nice direct fix to the problem. Instead of building a massive wall with limited guards and corrupt gatekeepers that will fail in every way you give people an alternative path. One that gives the similiar rewards but doesn’t require the “filthy casuals” to be in sight of their oh-so-talented “betters.” After all, once people figure out that they can get as much or more from successfully running multiple lower-tier difficulties than spending an hour or more on Damnation runs being yelled at by a sweaty tryhard who is the one dragging down the group they will “drop down” to those difficulties to farm materials.

Just think. No more having to whine about “scrubs” in a Damnation run several times a day. Afterall, why would a non-masochist want to spend 45 minutes in the company of people who belittle them for a possible reward when they could get, oh, 95% of the same reward for doing three Malice runs in almost the same amount of time and likely have far less stick-up-rear companions while doing it? Of course it might mean that those Damnation groups who talk about “preseving the challenge” will start having a hard time filling empty spots since other players won’t have to run Damnation/ etc for a reasonable amount of resources for the time spent. But hey, these people always say they’re so much better than the “scrubs” so they should have no issues three-manning it. Right? Not like they could possibly be a bunch of hypocrites who just want to gatekeep so that they can strut around feeling “better” than people who didn’t like the taste of boot polish enough to put up with a whiny brat.

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But I can use them in other 40k games. Darktide seems not enough on this. Specila guys should be psyker and orgin, and psyker should be able to use human weapons too.

and then the key to the identity must be talent, weapons technically is general for all human.

By Hadron’s shiny metal arse, is math not taught anymore? It’s not like there are going to be the same number of groups now sitting 3/4 full, there will be fewer of them.

All the racoons got fat off the fast-food restaurant trash, and heaven forbid they be released into the wild to fend for themselves once the Arby’s shutters its doors.

Capping the rewards at Heresy is a very old, very popular suggestion to improve the game for all parties.


Its time. I will finally learn psyker.

Im excited about these changes. The mk12 especially has been very lacklustre.

Putting rending on flamers is going to probably make them pretty OP. Theyre already quite strong weapons and we risk returning to screen deletions with no counterplay for enemies and no play for friendlies.

Thrust is a really unhealthy blessing for the game.
Slaughterer risks being OP. Crusher is alrrady a pretty strong weapon.