Unforeseen (un-)friendly fire

Hello. while choring through weaves, i have found out, that support waystalker is kinda unwanted on Aqshy-themed maps. when her party regen talent ticks and heals party member, it also applies the dot (and making the heal somewhat useless). the constant screams of party member for “shooting” them is somewhat irritating (well, everyone loves to berate elgis, but still).
my guess as to why it happens would be, that (for some reason) the heal/regen is set up as dealing negative damage (ive seen that in another old game before. twas fun fixing). would like to know if im right or what exactly was the cause :slight_smile:


I wonder if that’s happening on regular maps as well… I sometimes get characters screaming at me for ff when I’ve literally not even taken my bow out for 10s straight. Need to test if it only happens with WS.

nah. iirc never happend on normal map, cause normal maps dont cause dot with every “attack”.
unless… the bleeding talent for shooting is also linked in some way to regen ^^

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