What if there were a champion difficulty mode where there are 2-3x as many enemies and spawns as there are on cataclysm?
Monster? No, three monsters.
Patrol? Triple cataclysm patrol size, or if that’s somehow not possible, have patrols at every point where they can spawn at the same size they are on cataclysm.
Hordes? Endless.
Actviate Twitch and run a more horde + vanguard deed with it. You can also glitch the deed to cata difficulty and run it there with twitch activated. But care that the deed guy isnt the host, so the deed wont be consumed and you can run it over and over again.
I just realized after posting this topic that I still haven’t tried modded servers. In the past, the problem was that none of my friends liked this game. I joined a Vermintide buddy’s discord a while back, so now I have several people there who burnt out on Darktide super quickly and will play modded.
Also, I played Twitch mode a bit, and I’ve glitched a lot of Vanguard double vault deeds, but I never thought to combine the two.
Thanks for the ideas, people. Still, it would be neat if it was a Twitch mode had an onslaught option that triples all regular spawns.
Turn up the spawn rate on twich to 200%. Double bosses, patrols of some idiot number like 33 chaos warriors, entire waves of maybe 20 plague monks. Crazy fun.
I haven’t messed with Twitch mode myself. Usually my friend hosts when we do meme builds and challenges and he picks all the stuff. I didn’t even realize that those were options. I’ll give that a shot.