Typo Compilation 5

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Text & Localisation

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English typos noticed after 29 Sept 2024 for almost all of them

  • Mourningstar Hub Vox Chatter

Description: Morrow / Dukane conversation
Dukane: I’ve been reviewing your record, sergeant-major. Large sections of it appear to be … missing.
Morrow: Probably just data-gremlins. ma’am. Back on Armageddon, things got a big(bit?*) tricky during the final days of the war.
Dukane: Which war was that, exactly?
Morrow: There’s only one Battle for Armagesson that matters, ma’am.
(Line 2: big → bit)

Description: Brahms/Kayex
Kayex: Ah … That is unexpected.
Brahms: Half of our portside thrusters are no longer responding!
Kayex: I will seek remedy, in the Omnissiah’s name
Brahms: See that you do.
(Period needed at end of Kayex’s line 3)
in the Omnissiah’s name → in the Omnissiah’s name.

Description: Guardsmen Harket and Pragg
Guardsman Pragg: What a sorry-looking lot. Not a proper soldier among them.
Guardsman Harket: Maybe. But I hear they get things done.
(missing word “hear”)
But I they get things done. → But I hear they get things done.

  • Items

Item: Spiked Kettle Helm MkIII
(Minor inconsistency. Only one or two ogryn items have inconsistencies w/ the typical Mark/Mk naming contenvtions in Darktide.)
(Add space between Mk and III. MkIII → Mk III)

Item: Mk III Brute Model Cranial Implant (XXXXL)
Description: After the implant, most bone’eads are destined for unit command, using the (small amount of) added thinking ability to their advantage. Sometimes, however, the implant doesn’t take. In these cases, the unfortunate Ogryn is usually less intelligent than they were before the procedure, meaning they can simply return to their old duties.
(minor inconsistency, add space between bone and 'ead)
(bone’ead → bone 'ead)

Item: Krieg Gas Mask, XXXXL (Krieg 143rd, Shadow Ops)
Description: Gas masks can make an already not particularly eloquent Ogryn even harder to understand. Fortunately, they’re not kepr around for rousing speaches.
(Mispelled: speaches → speeches)

Item: Isirve Evo - bundle
Description: “… From his joyless youth and up until his final days, he will follow orders to a letter for he knows not of other life. …”
Phrasing(?): “he knows not of other life.” → “he knows not of another life.”
The sentence feels strange. I’ve heard the phrase “he knows no other life.” before so perhaps this is what was meant to be written?

Item: Harsh Environment Flak Helmet with Psykhana Collar (Glacial Might)
Even the Psykhana circuitry has been wrapped to protect against the cold and rain.
Psykhana → Psykana (x2) (in name and description)

Item: Bianzeer’s Revenge
Description: Carried in memory of lost comrades that were among those lost in the Herraldo Forests on the Death of Bianzeer.
Herraldo → Herrdalo Forests
White Dwarf 466 has it spelled “Herrdalo”.

  • Reject Conversations

Subject: Abhumans
Line 3
Agitator: Worth is calculated by usefulness. And pray tell how useful a Pelager might be outside it’s ocean home? Ha!
(it’s → its)

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Yes, but I haven’t tried disabling them

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Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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Another one I took a pic of the other day (but its on PSN and I cant be bothered trying to export it)

Zola: Archivum Sycorax is a GENTLY stroll away. I’m sure you’ll reach it without difficulty

Should be GENTLE, as the voiceline actually says.

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