Two questions that bug me:

  1. In general:
    Why do many, many people,
    no matter the difficulty,
    no matter their level, just run off to die
    and don’t give a F about coherency AS IN staying close (enough) to support eachother?

Is it overconfidence?
Just a general lack of awareness
or do these people just don’t care that this is a team based game?

  1. More specific:
    On “Rolling Steel”, after disabling the first bomb on the way to the second:

Instead of taking the much saver & quicker upper way,
with just two short jumps and WAY less enemies,
most people seem hell-bent on taking the much more dangerous “straight” lower route.

It doesn’t matter if you ping the way,
expain it in chat
or even communicate it by mic.
They just want to go this way…

I end up safely, but ALONE at the second bomb,
while to other still struggle to get there and often never arrive.

I mean we are on a timer here.
So you should take the quickest, safest route, shouldn’t you?
Or am I missing something? :thinking:

YES, I’m aware of the irony of first asking why people “don’t stay close”
and then providing an example of “here I don’t stay close”,
but my second point if mission/level specific with a timer
and the first one is a general question about missions with no timer!

Indulge me…

1 - Coherency benefit is pretty s41t, all in all. I suspect many other players don’t take the coherency bonuses on their player tree, selfishly, or simply because they don’t realise a bonus works across coherency because of the bad ability descriptions. Anyway: net result is that being close to others doesn’t matter all that much unless you’re in the very top tiers.

2 - Some people are playing primarily to do the pew pew green tick; not the mission tick. I got most damage meens I’m mostest bestest. I met one today; lvl +450 zealot. Named KneeJerk, or something like that. Only person currently on my exclude list, which I can tell you is a pretty exclusive one as I don’t often get annoyed by a player.

Want to get best ticks? Not by going the best route, that’s for sure.


none of this.

To be honest, worst players are the ones that are afraid to loose coherency.
I use to break the coherency to go looting chests (something that is done by less than 10% of players) or cause there’s someone that try to kill me (by wanting to kill my melee targets).

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  1. Yeah, but my question isn’t really about bonuses from Coherency as a mechanic.
    I’m more about “Stay close, so we can support eachother, when things get hairy.”

Just played a mission and in THIS CASE(!),
the three other guys moved on (to quicky, didn’t see I was still killing trappers & dogs),
got killed
and I was last man standing and to far behind to help.

So the blame here is:
I was to slow! (I had a reason! :dog2: & :spider_web:)
They left me behind. (Bad teammates! Bad! :rofl:)
They seperated and got themselves killed. :worried:
I could help them in time. :cry:
Lone warrior-Experience! :kiss:

  1. Seems to be pretty stupid in a game, where kills bring you no additional benefit.
    But victory does…

That’s not really what I’m talking about.
That’s why I said: “coherency AS IN staying close (enough) to support eachother”.

I do leave coherency very often,
BUT I am aware of the situation
AND I stay close enough to support the team WHEN things get hairy.

However, my randoms never wait… I use to liberate them at next capture point as they often have the bad idea to die before I can come back, this in addition to the bad idea that is to never wait.

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1800 hours. Cannot come to think of a single player in random lobbies that act this way.
Most players I encounter just go astray and end up dying alone. Though at this point I am completely apathetic towards this matter. If one goes astray without being apt enough to fend for oneself, one has only oneself to blame for ones death.

I have always meant coherency is the key to at least surviving a bit longer rather than shorter, but again, most players seem to have had that initial tutorial wiped off their memory.


Being honest, the timer on Rolling Steel makes me forget to register that the upper path exists. Any hard time limit causes me to autopilot more.


Pretty much this. :grinning:

Okay, but the upper path is better. :wink:

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…just about anything. :man_shrugging:

when i pick a “primary” game i soak it in, every detail, map design, enemy pattern etc.

to do less would be an “insult to myself” in some way, ego demands to the best i can.

as there is motivation and reward seeing progress over the months/years.

that though requires self reflection and ambition.
corny as it is, “lack of ambition” leads to

now most people (pun intended–>) play it as game.
they lack ambition seeing themselves or rather their personal skill reflected in their action, take no pride in it and simply pass the time like watching a movie.

passive, ambitionless, laid back.

a loss is just another loading screen, maybe a :man_shrugging: , sometimes a “the others lost the match not me” head in the sand.

but never a would a casual record his match and watch it multiple times finding his errors and improving upon.

hence its groundhog day all week with the occasional getting carried and false confirmation on their “contribution”

best test for casuals is ascension riser first train segment.

you can ping the battery room, write beforehand to be the point of retreat between intervals, even explain why its a free choke point with cover on a silver platter.

NO,monkey needs to be in the middle with the shiny button, second monkey see, second monkey does, all monkeys dead, together, not strong.

some mouthbreathers even get argumentativ in the face of evidence literally screaming at them how wrong they were.

usually thats the “chill its just a game bro” moment if anything.

anyways, things as old as gaming itself.
back in the day with quake 3 and tournaments buddy pirx and me played against 6 opponents instead of 4:4 as team deathmatch and hunted them across the map some 200:30ish

the sheer sheepish disbelief of the result of month long preparations, careful training and repeating the same jumps for hours on end just would not enter their brains.

it was like explaining rocket science to a chimp.

end result: after 4 busted tournaments in a row, i was barred from competing and could only take them on inofficially in 1:1.

still got my demos somewhere on cd around :joy:

so, it seems human nature isnt gonna change anytime soon and sadly we wont live to see the 40th millennium and withness the emprahs greatness ourselves :smile:


Well, thx for the reply.

In a gist, that’s the feeling I have on “Rolling Steel”,
when I basically :wave: to the team from the second bomb position,
half way there,
all three going down.

And I think to myself
"Well, I was so clear in my intentions, providing an example, pinging, writing in chat,
sometimes (not very often in DT) telling them the optimal route via mic.
And yet here we are. Again."

And that’s the point were I, as an intelligent being, started to doubt myself.
"Am I wrong? Am I missing something?
Surely not everybody else is wrong…"

But it seems to be:
"Yeah, those people are wrong.
But where do I go from here?
Join the mob and go the dumber route & die, too?"

So, what’s the solution? Is there one? :thinking:

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I tried tag spamming… it does not work.
I tried writing it in chat… does not work

So, at the end… I act like if I was alone. Sometimes you met incredible teammates that check chest, share ammos etc. Most of the time, this is just deceiving. If you envisage the worst, you will never be disappointed.
sometimes you could even be pleased… yes it will be rare.


“ready your staff before you fall”

as for the ascension riser thingie i play as if i was in a duo already, always in a closer radius to the rezz point than the actual objective.

i plan for em to go down and act preemptively.

sadly in rolling steel that aint an option.

best you could do is herd your “sheople” through the lower part, which is doable, do a quick “math” on how much health and ammo to sacrifice to keep the others going and hopefully getting to the auspex thingie in one piece.

you cant change the narrow path they’re corralled through but on the upside, they’re predictable.

and with predictability there comes options.

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Penances might also play a part. If they’re farming something for penances then they might be off trying to do that. Otherwise they’re just twitchy sweaty loner zealots :laughing:

Re the jump on the train…that is not always an easy jump as an Ogryn with no stamina…actually very bum clenching to make the jump lol. Can’t speak for others but many they worry about not making the jump and landing in the sh*t. Or they just want to kill loads of stuff :person_shrugging:

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its normal, happens to me aswell, brain is off when grinding it out sometimes and can’t be bothered to check if team mates took a different pathing

the only difference is that i don’t die, but my team mates might get in trouble when they miss me

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1.Regarding Penances:
IF you do play Maelstrom Auric Damnation
AND you don’t stay close enough to get
buffed & supported by your team
you are actively fAking 2 Penances for your team:

I.: Atoma’s Elie Guard
→ Complete an Auric Maelstrom(!) mission on Damnation without anyone getting downed.

II.: Miraculous Survival
→ As a team complete an Auric Damnation mission without anyone getting downed.
(If you did one(I.), you would do the second(II.) in the same mission.)

Just saying. :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Okay, but EVEN if you don’t make the jump(s),
    you either have already clear 1/3 or even 2/3 of the way.
    That should be keeped in mind.

Your second question answers the first. Players are just lazy.

I have a pc buddy who constantly kites away from the team, separating himself in order to charge as ogryn and stack up bleed. The process with his attack patterns do have the team in mind but come off as selfish. I have another friend on console who I was able to watch play and they dont dodge or block, it was quite funny since he was last man and we all had a laugh. Some people just like to mash attack others move to the open space thinking they are helping by pulling the enemies away.

Whenever I join a pub I try to identify one player who has a knack for taking down specials or does the simple thing such as turning around and waiting at the end of a hallway. I stick to them like glue and pick them up pronto if they get in a jam.


people also do not move at all. i can either motivate people to move forward or stay in the first room for 15 minutes.

i tried this twice. one mercantile game i tried not rushing to start the event.
we were in the first room for 15 minutes
i tried it again in smelter complex before the removal of the first door
5 minutes no one opened it.
people do not always understand when to move out and when to stand their ground they dont get the ebb and flow of a tide game so you gotta force people to follow.

That question bugs me too. But I usually put it another way: “Why do people leave teammates behind ?”

I see it happening mostly in regular Damnation but also sometimes in Auric Damnation. And it’s typically a sign that the party will fail the mission.

My hypothesis is that those people have a fear of responsibility. They will do everything they can to avoid being blamed for the failure of the team. For them, it’s always someone else’s fault, never theirs.

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