Just lost another mission at end to a trapper that shot straight ahead but managed to teleport me from around a corner. Your trappers are stupidly bugged. This is ANOTHER complaint telling you to pls fix the trapper’s magic nets. Please. No shooting through walls or magically right angling half way through their shot path. Please fix.
We had one of those crux moments where 3 of the team went down at the end. I was zealot, went invisible to rush and res the other better player. We were at the tree in hab dreyko, to the sides where there is the big box corner. Anyhoo when resing the guy, a trapper with no audio warning appeared in front of him, I got the sound of his gun revving to go off and was panicked- “I’m supposed to be invisible here!” so dodged into the box to the side. The net went past me toward the far wall, I was behind a post in the box section and suddenly, when coming out of invis (I have the 6s talent), I was teleported around the corner and into the net which came back from the wall direction. Game over. It’s not the first time or level recently. Trappers nets flying through solid steel walls, 90 degree angles and through those mesh and two bar fences which not your guns, grenades or even psyker’s BB are allowed to penetrate due to invisible wall, is just daft.
Don’t worry. That’s also my experience. I clearly dodge the net… and finish on ground even if the trapper clearly launched the net in the opposite direction.
Yep. Something was definitely changed to their behaviour since the machine god update. Dogs the same.
I’m not talking about pushing for dogs. Pushing is seriously bugged at the mo for Ogryn with pickaxe. It’s so unreliable that I just don’t bother at the moment. I dodge instead. Many dogs have snapped to my postion from their totally different trajectory mid-air.
Same ‘snapping’ happens with trapper nets too. Something has definitely changed.
Also doesn’t help that the number of trappers spawned has increased to crazy amounts. It’s now not uncommon to be trapped by a net shot through another trapper who you just dodged.
I can assure you that pushing a dog is now more easy than dodging. It is even too easy. Dogs are no more a challenge for me… but trappers are unfair threats now.
No I mean the actual push mechanic is bugged. Pushing a dog is easy but the act of pushing is itself bugged AF for me right now. Sometimes it just doesn’t push at all. I’ve been hit by quite a few bursters because my push just didnt happen. Happened with dogs too, hense why I prefer to dodge.
It’s the dodge that has this other bug though, where they snap to your clearly well dodged position just before contact.
I’d considered this, except melee hits and ranged and such don’t have delay reaction. This is a behaviour issue, happens too often and on different days and times. Not so much dogs, but mutants especially seem to be able to grab after they’ve passed you too. Occasionally I’ve had them target somebody and run past me at them and about 2 seconds later have been clipped backwards into their hands when they missed their intended target. Given this, there may be something in the targeting system? As it seems to affect zealot and veteran a lot even when they’re supposed to be invisible. Mutants will run half way across the map after somebody not supposed to be seen- this has happened to me when the last one alive and trying for the invis save quite a bit. This issue has been raised and “acknowledged”, so hopefully attention to it as a whole will push them to fix it.
Huh ? I find it quite easy to push doges with the picks and haven’t noticed any issues. I was pushing doge after doge with the Karl last night and I don’t recall issues with other variants. You can easily push them farther than you’d think and is much easier than dodging them.
I’m having zero push issues with the picks, so maybe it was network related? Out of stam? They made dogs easy as @Ralendil pointed out.
Doubt it’s network but perhaps. I have crazy fast fibre to the home so it’s unlikely my end if network related
I actually experienced this bug yesterday again. I tried pushing and simply nothing happened. No animation or effect… Just nothing. And I quickly checked my Stam and it wasn’t fully depleted, but even if it was it shouldn’t stop a push entirely AFAIK.
But yeah a dog got me in this instance because push didn’t work. I go on to hit the button a few times and still doesn’t work. I can’t remember if I previously switched weapons to fix it… Was usually “in the moment” at the time but next time I’ll try and examine it more.
I was doing my final mission to earn my auric storm badge (without cheesing) so I was quite distracted
lol well I hope you got your A.S.S (penance)! I got mine accidentally without even noticing, it’s better not to know I suppose.
FWIW I was pushing doggies left and right today with zero issues, so much easier than dodging them on Biggie McNetFace.
Maybe that phantom swing bug got ya? I did have 1 dog do the net wrap around the corner and get me when I was dodging instead of pushing. I’ve even tried batting a few out of the air since a teammate had my back to test the reach and didn’t have issues but once.
P.S. As far as internet speeds, bandwidth (speed), latency and stability (packet loss/jitter) are separate things and who the hel knows what happens sometimes when the packets get to the server and back.
P.P.S. If PC, it’s fun to spawn stuff with mods in the psykhanium (0 ping though) and test this stuff out, especially with new weapons.
P.P.P.S. Trappers shenanigans had my number today, they got me 2x in a row in an embarrassing situation too.
Lol I did get my A. S. S. handed to me with flying colours thanks it was a huge relief as it means no more anxiety over possibly spawning into a failed mission screen and getting my ticker reset.
The push thing isn’t consistent. I do manage to push a lot of dogs and bursters still. It’s occurred less than 10% I think but when it happens it’s definitely a bug imo.
I’ve only noticed it since the machine god update and only using the Karsolas. The pickaxes do still seem quite buggy so I just put it down to being pickaxe specific for now… I literally can’t put my Karsolas down as it’s too fun… so haven’t tested anything else.
I experience the swapping weapons bug a lot and I have a hunch it’s related. Maybe the game has an issue calling on a different animation at a certain time? Not sure but their QA dept need a solid week of testing the weapon switching, pickaxes and pushes quirks. Guess we’ll have to wait until after summer now
I’ve noticed this a lot too. Strong internet connection, fibre broadband, doesn’t matter which class but sometimes I can’t push a burster. There’ll be no enemies nearby, get my block ready, burster lights up, starts their jump, I click push and absolutely nothing happens.
It will have worked a second before and after (I’ve tested) but when the player-burster interaction needs to happen the system doesn’t register the push action. It’s not even a phantom push where it doesn’t affect the target, rather the player character doesn’t respond to a push command against THAT burster. I don’t think it’s ever happened to me with hounds or any other enemy, just bursters. It’s very frustrating