Trappers can still get you through solid walls

Issue Type (Required):

Enemy Mechanics

Issue Description (Required):

So I just got grabbed through a solid wall after line of sight was completely broken with a trapper. I wasn’t recording so I can’t just post that, but I will describe the sequence of events. They are as follows:

  1. I was near an open door, and a trapper comes running up on the other side of the open door way.
  2. Seeing the trapper, I get ready to dodge.
  3. The trapper starts to take aim, and I dodge just slightly too early, which allows the trapper to adjust her aim. I watch her aim follow me as I dodge behind the wall.
  4. Is is at this juncture that line of sight is fully broken with the trapper. I cannot see her, and she cannot see me.
  5. The trapper fires her net. It emerges through the wall like a ghost and grabs me.
  6. The trapper tries to reel me in, but can’t move me towards her because I’m being pulled into the wall.
  7. The vet who saved me vouched for what I experienced. Got nabbed THROUGH the wall. He agreed it was bs. :]

But yeah, I don’t know why this is STILL in a thing in the year of 2024, but line of sight violations are unacceptable in all instances. Is it the game engine or something? Does collision just not block things like it’s supposed to?

Please fix.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

To reproduce, face a trapper anywhere you can dodge behind a wall or corner to break line of sight. Dodge just early enough that she can still adjust her aim to you.

Mission Name (Optional):

Warren 6-19

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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