I’ve played a lot PvE/horde/coop games and DT community one of the worst in terms of skill level i’ve seen (partialy cause highest difficulties are open for new/unexpirienced players)
Never was good, basically a noob trap. Once some bomber will force you to move from your position you pull all mobs aggro around that were ignoring you.
You mean what, lol, with Unwavering Focus you were able to facetank blobs of shooters.
I can melee brawl ALOT of gunners / shooters with my Psyker. There are situations where I notice that my team is playing “who’s the biggest chicken” contest in which I decide to charge the gunners / ranged enemies because nobody else seems to bother.
Sure there are situations where I’m just toast, not gonna lie.
But many many “problems” players have with difficulty spikes are skill issues in combination with playing too passively (just for their survival)- for lack of a better word.
When I get into survival mode, I know, things have gone bad. I imagine, alot of people are in that “AT LEAST I SURVIVE” mode all the time. And then a wild trapper appears… : P
Absolutely true, it’s amazing how bad this game teaches it’s mechanics and moveset.
But’s also amazing how many people try to brute force their way through T5 with cheap tricks and class builds / weapons loadout with low skill floor… just to fail in any encounter where it really matters. That I don’t get.
Also, wherein lies the fun of dying all the time during a run? xD
The advanced training tutorial does, so I wouldn’t exactly call it hidden.
I am aware that few people actively decided to check it out, since it isn’t mandatory like the basic training, but those people probably shouldn’t throw themselves into T5 missions without knowing basic knowledge of the game
Not dodge sliding specifically. They teach you to sprint through ranged fire and you can slide from a sprint, but not sliding from a left, right, or backwards dodge and the advantage of it.
I honestly wouldn’t be opposed to meta grinder trials to unlock higher difficulties or auric. To solo waves of specials, elites, mixed hordes, monsters, etc. Even just a one on one, no ammo, about to get hit by a disabler, when is the right time to doge (pox hound, trapper, pox burster [to push them], mutant) To put you in various challenges that you have to overcome while also teaching you certain things.
It’s kinda, but as i remember it just says “slide to that cover” and doesn’t explain exactly how slide works, so it looks just as a “cool” optional movement
And when some special force you to move you pull all those mobs, yes, or even worse - whole shotgunners blob. That was a key feature for being a good vet you should be able to quickswap back and forth to defend yourself in melee and kill priority targets at range.
Well it’s just unclear from tutorial that you can’t outrun shooters aim or does slide only give low-profile or what. But tbh i don’t mind an oldschool approach when you need to learn game mechanics yourself or go read some guides.
That’s not a good proposition man. “Hey forget all the sharpshooter weapons. Use these niche and mostly unappealing weapons with their own issues that are totally unbefitting of a sharpshooter to deal with your problem”
Tbh this thread is just really funny considering how many tools zealot potentially has not even counting their ranged weapons.
-all the combat abilities can deal with ranged threats reasonably well. Chastise can be a bit of a dud at times but Icon lets me wade through gunfire and stealth lets you close distance with literally no threat
-all the grenades can also stun or kill ranged gunners. With practice you can throw a knife from one end of the bridge of many martyrs and hit someone on the other side
-several abilities peppered throughout give bonuses to toughness resistance or ranged attacks.
I literally run a knife and flamer in my stealth build with knives and can easily deal with ranged attackers
My brother, did you just call the revolver that can 2-3 shot crushers and basically quick and the dead most anything else in the game “niche and mostly unappealing”?
Iam good, its just boring AF to deal with constant ranged spam.
I play zealot to unga bunga in melee, not perma dodging and shooting with 0 talents for it.
Ranged combat is ABSOLUTELY not interesting, its basic b-tch ranged combat that million other games have.
What TIDE games have going for it IS MELEE, and when your MELEE class is forced to stay 80% of the time with your ranged weapon out it just gets so boring.
We are pretty much back in early 2023 where playing zealot meant you get to melee only when the AI director said so.
I would. Personally, it feels odd in a Warhammer 40k game that a revolver can outperform most of the iconic 40k weapons. It’s mainly in aesthetics, I guess. If it were like, say, a bolt pistol, I wouldn’t even bat an eye.