Too easy now?

Lately have had a lot of casual idiots joining my lobby, tell them I am playing a deed, and they proceed to just play horribly, die, and exit the game. Also from Quickplay run into many players that don’t equip themselves properly and they just accept the deeds without noting the conditions.

Absolutely need a Deeds queue or something, its really bad as is!

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Deeds and randoms are a recipe for disaster.

That is a brilliant idea, it could cost like 100-200 scrap to craft a legend heroic deed, that would be pretty sick :+1:

Indeed. The quest system in V1 was vastly superior to this crappy lame one. In V1, it was actually a challenge, now it is only grind, which is not really a problem for me (is a problem for some other people tho), but it is undisputably a lot less fun and challenging. I really wish they reworked, or at least expanded on the current quest system.

lel guess ELF^^


Crafting Deeds would be cool, but I think it should be cheap, otherwise you’ll get some players who only want to play those getting forced to grind a ton just to get more deeds. I dunno if they should be limited at all, since the rewards they offer generally aren’t equatable to the challenge they can bring. They’re not a way to farm, they’re for challenge.

You know what contract I miss? Bomb kills. That one was always fun, just to see how many you could get on a big horde. :smiley: Makes me kinda wish there was a mod that kept a live counter doing in-game with your kill total. XD


That 5 damage was FF. Can I be a god now please?
Out of all the games I have done in ~850hours, I have only be able to take 0 damage from enemies throughout the whole run ~4 times or so.
It is certainly not easy to do IMHO and you have to be on point the whole run.

I second making deeds a more accessible thing and they should definitely be taken out of the RNG loot pool and be made craftable, or just let us select them or something.
At this point in the game, deeds provide the most fun for me. That and twitch mode. Makes for some truly crazy times and it really is a blast.
The problem is, you really only do this stuff with premades due to how its designed.
And that’s all well and good, but you cant always get a group together.
They’re also a finite resource.


I’ve also done zero damage taken runs as either handmaiden or shade in the past. Some of that is down to the elf being stupidly OP.

Yeah, I agree with you that the game is much easier now than before the patch. I was running parry, stamina regen and increased dodge range when available to consistently deal with hordes and sliding enemies without taking damage, but now I can just dodge both hordes and elites without much effort while using 1h weapons. Had to switch to swift slaying and crit chance instead since now it would be just an overkill.

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Yoo noobs.

To make things harder you simply need to blindfold yourself, pour honey over your keyboard and dislocate several fingers.

<insert end game scoreboards screenshot here to prove I’m L33t>


Truly don’t understand people that want new difficulty, when we have deeds. Want to feel all pain in the world? Go deeds. Tired of loosing? Go play Legend back.

Tamren wrote some Good ideas, deed system improvement is better than new difficulty.

Is this a challenge, who took less damage? Can I brag?

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This is now an ego stroking thread. :star_struck:
Post more screenshots!

Again, I do not think we need a new difficulty. Just a deed system rework!
And if that’s not enough, twitch mode!
5-8 bosses a map! Two bosses at once!

Deeds are unbalanced gimmicky bullcrock. They’re weird and feel like a different game entirely. A new difficulty would feel like the default experience, harder. That’s the point.

No screenshot from me to prove my point, I’m not quite that pathetic enough yet.

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I’m not pointing fingers when I say this, but I think this ought to be mentioned since we’re on the topic of game difficulty.

Let’s all take a moment to acknowledge the way the game’s difficulty curves with the hosts CPU. The weaker the CPU, the easier your runs are going to be. The beefier your CPU, the more the runs will resemble the way the devs meant the game to play in difficulty. I don’t feel like explaining the details behind why it is this way or how it works.

My i7 doesn’t bottle neck this game. Let me tell you, if I want an easy Legend run, I’ll let my bud with an i3 host. The wins are easy and boring. If I want the real deal, I’ll host. Big difference in difficulty. Not saying impossible, or that people can’t walk away with 0 damage taken from enemies (that’s pretty impressive, btw); I’m just saying there are plenty of games when I am hosting where I feel like I really had to fight for those wins (and I don’t consider myself a weak Legend runner).

In the Xbox legend mode is very very difficult; Horde more monster and 4 elites or more at the same time is common in my game. In Pc it may not be, but if you who play on the computer ask to increase the difficulty it will implement that on the consoles. There are already many players leaving this game on Xbox because of the IA BOTS, conection Lost, constant NERFs, if they increase the difficulty will lose even more players. I am passing anger to get some challenges and soon I must stop playing because it is almost impossible to comply.

That’s not even remotely the case. You people already have completely different balance. You’ll easily be passed over for a new difficulty mode, just like how you’ll be passed over for content and fixes.


Yeah and you can easily see it from system to system. Especially if you play a lot of QP.

The Mile Long Hordes you’re killing for a good 5 minutes, 2-4 Specials always popping, sometimes boss on top of all that. Just an absolute nightmare of combat from start to finish.

Then you get some other game where the guy with a weak system has like a whopping 20 rats in a horde, and you’re like… oh give me a break. The irony of that is that these individuals are generally the ones who seem to think they’re “L33T”. Well yeah its pretty easy to be “L33t” when you’re only fighting a whopping 2 mobs in a horde.

Is it really that unbelievable? I’ve had quite a few games taking 0 damage from before patch 1.3, even more taking 10-20 from friendly fire.

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well i dont know about no damage but its certainly pretty common and easy to take no serious damage in qp legend matches these days , of course some still fail spectaculaly it is still QP after all!

but yeah with the recent power creep of weapons , classes and of course the ever increasing knowledge pool i think legend probably has gotten a little too easy. there is certainly room for a new difficulty above it.

would be nice if any new difficulty relied on some variable elements like deed suffix/affix type system and special mechanics not just pumping up the damage so you get one shot instead of 2.

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One of the reason’s I rarely host games is that I DO have a powerful system, and its just brutalizes people.

You’ll end up fighting REAL hordes, and tons of specials Boss mobs, multiple patrols, etc.

Athel runs on my rig means about a 50% failure rate.