Thoughts on Darktide at the 1-year mark

It’s got levels, classes, talent trees, “crafting”, item upgrades, cosmetics, currencies, inventories, equipment slots, player-chosen character origin stories, etc.

If it’s not an RPG, I don’t know what is. It’s not a D&D style RPG, but a Coop shooter can absolutely also be an RPG. It’s certainly far more RPG than say, L4D, and progression is absolutely a fundamental facet of the game’s fun-factor presentation.

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I think re-introducing the original blessing upgrade idea via cubes would be an easy fix to a lot of the pain. But I do hope we get something better, more sure.

A buddy of mine recently bought the game and it’s so hard to answer his questions of “why is X like this?” and I just have to shrug and go “I hope it’s not a deal breaker for you but the gameplay is really fun”

During gameplay:
“Oh yeah, sorry, the trappers are super bugged”
“Forgot to tell you, some of the spawns are messed up, but it’s ok”
“Oh yeah, ragers are completely silent, I swear this game actually has decent sound design”
“Don’t worry about getting a good weapon for now, there’s no reliable way to get anything good early in the game”
“Congrats on gaining your level, don’t skip the video, but it all boils down to ‘we don’t trust you yet, do more missions’ and at the end there’s a traitor”


Try looking at the direct predecessor, which didn’t have these nefarious “player retention” tactics baked in. Or even better, look at the spiritual forefather Left4Dead which didn’t have any of that garbage whatsoever and you could simply jump into a game at maximum difficulty immediately after installation: No RNG or grind required.


Vermintide 2 absolutely had a gear system that required hundreds of hours of investment and you had to be a verified badass to take on the higher difficulties (doing full book runs, meaning extra challenge) in order to have reasonable odds at attaining the top-level gear.

The blessings not being more easily-collectible is an issue I think we all agree on. But artificially extending game time by having gear to chase has been in Tide before DT.

This game is in a good enough state and is a good enough game that its worth playing for anyone.

Easy recommend.

Apparently that’s the overwhelming consensus these days too.

91% of people are recommending this game right now.:smile::smile::smile:

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Vermintide 2 had a gear system, but it was NOWHERE near as oppressive as darktide’s gearing system. The worst part about vermintide was the one-time grind to 300 weapon power. After that you could craft a good grey of ANY weapon in seconds (something that could cost upwards of several hundred thousand dockets EACH in darktide).

Even ignoring reds, crafting a PERFECT orange in vermintide was much easier than crafting a “good” orange in darktide.


I prefer Darktide’s crafting system and understand the differences/similarities between the two systems. I shared more of my thoughts on the two upthread a bit!

Always nice to hear from mezmorki.

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Pikmin is an RTS combat me. But idk why being a co-op shooter excuses shiitake game design.

Personally, I think the game was in a better state as of Patch 13. Since these latest patches, sound cues have gotten worse, input responses have gotten worse or ignored and triggering WRONG inputs. It seems like EVERY single bug from Beta/6 months in has reared it’s ugly head again. How does this keep happening? Is code not being merged to a developmental branch? I have so many questions.

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900 hours of s tier fun for me

only majour pain point for me is the soundscape has collapsed under im guessing the extra spawns.

if they keep rolling out more weapons class and maps ill be happy for another 900


My main problems with dark tide since I got 3 other friends to level 30 and my ogryn to level 30 when the skill tree update happened.

First you got slow leveling that feels kinda bad.
Maybe make it so level 30 account holders get 50% bonus exp on alts.
30+ games to get there and we play V2 so most were heresy so we leveled quicker then most.

The weapons are done in such a way that you never want to upgrade as you level just buy new ones that good you always buy new ones but bad crafting turns into a thing you just don’t touch.

Once your a fresh level 30 you are probably not good enough to clear damnation but you know it gives 700 plassteel a run and you want them good rolls so you gamba for a single weapon type and don’t swap off it for ages since you just want to clear and you don’t have the resources for tons of orange weapons or good rolls for them.

I personally got some pretty great weapons that’s to be expected after 300+ hours but it’s really not needed to keep me around.
If you just gave me all the blessings and made it so I could only obtain 380 weapons with no locks it wouldn’t mean I quit it would just mean I would be experimenting with my builds and loadouts more.


Welcome #458

Crafting is still the worst that I’ve seen in anything outside of korean MMOs, and I’m honestly not even so sure about that.

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Unfinished placeholder mechanics and ideas the game.

Agree with everything except limited mission variety and environmental variety. Imo, the missions feel different enough that it doesnt really matter if you’re still just scanning with an auspex. At leat this is how it is for me. Those two shouldnt be in “the ugly” catagory imo. The missions look and feel different enough that it’s just not an issue for me. Crafting, resource farming and blessing acquisition are the biggest issue that need overhauled ASAP

I’m glad every update comes with something new that is horrendously broken and we still have to be exposed to the crafting problems when ever new stuff comes out. It’s hard to get excited for playing with the new toys when you are constantly playing a lottery just to get something useable.

It’s like building a mansion on top of a sinkhole and then just ignoring that it exists.


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