The “Crafting” and RNG-gambling gear acquisition is a huge issue that dramatically undercuts everything this game tries to do. No matter what cool content gets put out, what changes they make to classes, what new things they add, the gear system will undercut and detract from it. It’s a huge drag on this game, it feels like something a C-suite is deeply wedded to without having a real design or business concept behind it and just can’t let go, and that was only ever halfway implemented.
The gear and crafting in this game actively deters progression and experimentation, it generates lots of frustration at the game without any outlet (most RNG gear systems are designed to generate frustration to get people to pay enormous amounts of in-game resources, or cash, to bypass it) and lots of direct ill-will towards the developers.
The class updates have also been odd. The current Veteran setup is indicative of this, in that we’re on the 3rd set of Veteran talents, and we’re absolutely going to get a 4th revision at this point. The Veteran feels like it was designed by a different ethos/team than the rest of the classes, it feels like something developed by someone deep into tabletop RPG’s without really playing this game (a fast paced survival shooter) much, resulting in a talent tree far more restrictive and keystones with far higher skill floors and more limited functionality than other trees, and lots of builds that don’t even bother with Keystones.
Fatshark’s communication is also really just… not great, and the above issues are just exacerbated by this.
The cosmetics stuff I won’t complain too much about in general except for the Krieg cosmetics. These were released with some dramatically sub-par offerings with tons of issues both in terms of basic quality (clipping issues, sizing, etc) and creative interpretation, particularly the Veteran cosmetic, and Fatshark had the balls to charge an additional premium for them for “extended development”.
Someone at Fatshark should be personally and professionally embarrassed at that release.
Overall Darktide is a mix of excellence and garbage. This game magnificently captures the 40k universe and atmosphere, is visually stunning, and has a great fundamental combat loop. It’s held back by some truly awful gear/crafting features, haphazard development, a couple poor cosmetic releases, and terrible communication.