Thoughts about Heavy Eviscerator

Hello fellow rejects, looking at what state eviscerator is and how nice new heat mechanic of relic blade works, some thoughts come to my mind. That “one click one hit” special should go and be forgotten in history. It’s time to move to new better mechanics. Eviscerator should has this activation until overheat too!

Special activation should increase damage of attacks.

Just imagine: you rev up your weapon and cut into the crowd of enemies (brrrrrrrrrrr~ blood and limbs fly over the place (blood for the blood god emperor!!1!!!11!!!1)) not stuck in one of them and be vulnerable for any attack. I think that while activated light attacks should not trigger stuck in enemy, while heavy attacks still should has this feature but you can do it for longer if you want, of course it also should build up heat faster this way (something like +10% of heat additively for every second (+10%/+20%/+30%… etc.)).

And as the new blessing there can be: while weapon is overheated it’s also ignite enemies stacking burn on them. It’s also should work nice with existing blessings like Bloodletter because with every light attack it would stuck bleeding (amount of bleeding stacks per hit should be lowered).

I hope I was able to get my point across. I apologize for my poor english.

upd.: and it should have mechanic like: the more blood you spill with that weapon the faster would be heat cool down.


I know these specials have aged somewhat poorly with the game going more and more in the spam elites at you direction but I still think they’re way more engaging and fun to use than Relic Blade or Power Sword and frankly I’m still hoping FS rethinks how they approach difficulty. The sawing attacks are dope and I like the special attack having use cases rather than being “I’m putting my Sword into bigger damage mode now”.

So while I completely understand where you’re coming from hard no from me.


Yes, I agree with you, activation can be not only dmg up, there may be more interesting variants, that’s why I suggested that the heavy attack should keep that sawing thing, but lights when activated can use activation with some blessings that for example cause bleeding or something like that.

Relic’s Power Sword system fit for Power weapons (1h Power Sword, Crusher, Ogryn Power Maul, even if for balance certain of them would have to be accompanied by slight nerfs to the actived effect).

But I don’t really think it fit well with Chains.

If the whole chain system was reworked, I’d rather see them have a Rev meter, where when it’s idling it’s in lower rev, so doesn’t bite as much but deal less damage, but at higher Rev it start to attach on the enemy and deal more damage.

With the special letting you pump the Rev higher, and certain attack (charging heavies, certain lights…) would increase the Rev a little bit


It should optional, so far i prefer one click = special action, overheat has cooldown which is a great downside of the zealots relic blade. I think heavy eviscerators so far good as is, the only buff if would give them is invulnerability frames during special attack or some extreme toughness regen that serves the same purpose.


I feel like the eviscerator is in a pretty good state. You just swing it around and kill stuff and if you are fighting a boss, a mutant or an isolated enemy you rev it up for some extra power. Probably an a tier weapon that is excellent into hordes and performs pretty reliably into all other targets, though I find it’s swing patterns make it a bit annoying to deal with maulers.

I feel like what you are suggesting might be more suitable for the two handed shock maul, which I feel like doesn’t really have a place right now. It sort of performs a similar role to eviscerator, but instead of special killing things it knocks them down basically one at a time. If I could activate it and have a few seconds where I could knock down ragers or crushers, get a team mate out of trouble or make myself some space to pull out a bolter or something that would be great.

Considering I could play psyker and just basically indefinitely turn a pack of crushers into a slap stick comedy skit with voidblast or something I don’t see how this would be at all over powered or unreasonable.

That being said, the shock maul is fine and perfectly useable in auric damnation. The only activation weapon for me that is really in a terrible state is the vet power swords. Not so much because they are bad per se, but because they are just a pain to use. They basically have two modes, crappy useless mode, and activation mode and this incentivizes to just endlessly spam activate them over and over. I would much prefer if the vet swords basically became one handed relics blades similar to the relationship between one and two handed chain swords.


I was swapping between evis and relic blade in havocs last night and came to the conclusion that I prefer the current mechanic for the eviscerator as it requires less micro-management.


Exactly this. The rev attacks have specific use cases, they’re not just there to make the normal attacks feel bad.


Honestly for the Shock Maul i would love to see it reworked somewhat like the Chain Weapons, where instead of simply upgrading the damage it stick to the enemy and shock

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I think my main issue with the chain weapon is the sticky attacks, they’re somewhat of a relic (ha!) of a bygone era, pre #13 mob density.
It was a bit better when they added the un-sticking pull-out method, but with the depleted uranium level density in HiSTG+ sticking around too much can be a death sentence. I wonder if they halved the sticky time, if it would really be unbalanced in any way, if that’s even a thing anymore.


I just want Heavy Eviscerators to be even bigger :smiling_imp:


I’m telling y’all, some form of damage resistance while in a sticky attack is the way. We deserve a chance to enjoy sawing the emperor’s enemies without getting immediately nuked!


I think it’s fine personally. I more often want it to auto chain into a hit rather than requiring another input. Maybe add a special sprint attack animation and block animation so it doesn’t instantly stop either. I wouldn’t even mind if it turned the chainswords into a parry animation while holding block.

I wouldn’t mind a variant of chain weapon that had a hacking animation that timed out after a certain number of hits/kills, but I’d like that to be the chainaxe specialty as a way to bolster cleave/single target damage. If they made it for a two handed chainaxe variant specifically I would be pretty happy.

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As long as dueling sword and knife exists its all moot honestly.
Chain weapons were supposed to be the middle child, as they are decent unpowered and powered they can hurt carapace.

Then we got fastest weapon category that easily oneshots carapace and has no real problem with hordes either.
Heavy Evis will chew through basic horde and even mixed with some blessings.
But in reality DS will outperform it the second carapace gets there

So first DS needs to be brought down and otehr weapons brought up.
Chain weapons should stack bleed ALL the time powered or not.
Powered up attacks to be viable in higher diff should do their dmg faster and harder - no chain weapon helps when 7 crushers come out of the corner, meanwhile DS just kills them without being threatened once


Chain weapon specials in general should tear through trash and/or just deal massively more dmg. But imo their real main problem comes down to the main offender here: Duelling Swords (and knives, to a lesser extent).

DS has fantastic sprint speed & efficiency, dodging, Agile, great finesse blessings & dmg, and its attacks are fast and precise… but on top of all that, it easily deals as much or more dmg than chain weapons and all without getting stuck in place. The whole idea of having to stand in place for ~2s or abandon most of your dmg is as far away from this meta of facing a dozen or more elites + horde all at once as can be.

The DS needs its nerf.


I’m… not so sure. I think that the Heavy Eviscerators are perfectly balanced as is. Buffing them would risk putting them into the same category as Duelling Swords and Co.

I really don’t trust Fatshark to be responsible with such things after their MANY balancing blunders over the years.

Yeah, I don’t really care about adhering to the meta. I use whatever’s cool and fun to me. I’ve got a soft spot for 2-Handed Melee Weapons in particular, and the Mk XV Heavy Eviscerator’s my current favourite for Zealot.

Spear for Veteran when?

The Mk IV Duelling Sword needs at least a reduction to both its Weak Point and Carapace Damage.

On another balancing side note, the Combat Blades’ Range needs to be reduced down to the same level as the Tac Axes’ Range.


Problem is the number of Bleed stacks have been nerfed on the Eviscerator without being mentioned in the changelog. Now the Eviscerator applies fewer Bleed stacks than the Chain Axes.


This sort of reminds me of hyperarmor in souls games. It’s not exactly the same as that gives stun resistance, but the idea is that it gives you some ability to trade with big slow weapons.


That would be a pretty massive nerf to the Eviscerators for no real benefit.

The MKX one shots Crushers and does a pretty massive amount of damage to boss enemies with it’s Rip after sawing into an enemy. (It also counts as a different swing to your initial one so you can boost the damage massively by using fury of the faithful whilst sawing into an enemy.)

Applying the Relic blade’s mechanics would either mean losing this function or having it be constant, both would be annoying because you’re either losing out on a massive amount of damage or constantly being locked in place sawing through enemies killing Perfect Strike builds.

Revving already gives a pretty noticeable amount of Cleave so they’re fine as is, they’re probably the Zealot’s best not-blatantly overpowered melee weapon.

The MKII is irrelevant because of it’s moveset rather than it’s mechanics.

The new activation mechanics should be saved for a new weapon, a 2handed Chainaxe that switches between a blunt hammer when unactivated and a sawing monster when activated would be cool.

Although you are absolutely right about the Zealot needing more fire and blood stuff, the right hand side of their talent tree should’ve been that instead of the team annoyer it currently is.


I like the functionality as-is; I wish it did a bit more damage both un-revved and revved, but it’s a solid B-tier weapon in my eyes - certainly not weak.


I agree, you all definitely have the right points about eviscerator, it’s a nice weapon, this weapon is why I started playing as zealot.

Maybe there should be some new one for what I wanted, somewhat chain weapon to cause bleeding, tear and rip enemies with reliclike activation mod or something like that.
Maybe it should be pole weapon like mentioned earlier two-handed chain axe, would like to see it in the game.