This is the only game I have played where

I feel the need to log on specifically at that moment to play a mission type because if I don’t do it RIGHT THAT SECOND, I might not see that mission type again for an hour, 5 hours, or two f*cking days. I got off work earlier, saw hi shock up - my favorite game type. I made lunch, 30 mins later - want to know what was up after lunch? 5 low intensity missions, one hi intensity that was a t2. All the other missions were low intensity, lights out, or low intensity sniper. If I don’t log on to play what’s up at that SPECIFIC moment, I might not even log on that day because all the missions are so boring and mission variety in terms of consistency is NON EXISTENT.

There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to the rotations of mission types, its COMPLETELY random it seems. It can be lights out for 2 days, then it will switch to hi shock/hi intensity for literally 2 hours then SWITCH back to lights out all day and all day the next day. Same happens with dogs and snipers. The funniest part is the most PREVALENT missions types are the MOST HATED/DISLIKED ones.

Dogs and snipers are up almost 80% of the time every week - the new dog modifier got old after literally 2 days. The sniper modifier needs some major work to actually make it a challenge let alone enjoyable. Don’t even get me started on snipers spawning halfway across the map 4 stories up in a corner that you couldn’t even fathom existed until that sniper blew your face off in the split second it takes for them to snap to your head and shoot.

Is there some sort of master plan behind all of this and fatshark is just laughing at us? “Want to keep people coming back? Make the worst mission types the most prevalent, enabling longevity for our game because the people can’t ENJOY it when they want, only when WE provide the tools necessary will they even have the opportunity to enjoy what they paid for!”


In all my 700 hours of playtime thus far, I never felt that way.

You might be taking this mission thing too serious.


They just don’t understand what’s fun in video games. They finally got Vermintide 2 right after a few years and then forgot everything they learned along the way.

It’s mind boggling.


i dont think the team who made VT stayed at thejr job. Also I am not sure they understand what made game great.

Currently RNG lot system is more designed for diablo or PoE, which makes it hard to swallow because:

  • no shared items, the most common reason to play new class is the fact you found cool item for it
  • way lower amount of items you get, hence RNG distribution is not perceived as fair. In loot based games you usually get tons of items and thar makes RNG less edgy (literally).

Map system I am not sure where they got this idea from… they cannkt even make new maps available to ppl to play

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Working as intended.


I’ve been missing 2 repair missions for a week before I could get penance (the one with 100 missions of each type). So yeah, it kinda is like that. Because we have only one scanning and repair map per mission type some of my progress bars are seriously lacking. I take all Damnation repair missions I can get my hands on.

So far strike, assassination and raid missions are much more avaliable (disruption too, but I’ve been avoiding it due to bug with crafting materials. Now it’s fixed I’m steadly increasing numbers in this bar too)

Cool, you got the missions you want. Move along, other people dont

See, that there is the issue. You’re gonna play whether or not you get what you are looking for. This guy isn’t. 700 hours isn’t representstive the average consumer of this product.


700hrs in 6 months. That’s like 4hrs a day since launch roughly…

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if he is young these are rookie numbers

The only work dog and sniper modifiers need is being put in a bin.

Don’t even bother signing in just use this.

I have the mission board site open all day on a second screen in hope of a HI STG map. Frustrating when a game denies you your desired difficulty because… reasons.

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I did the same with the hourly shop, as well as on my phone back when I cared and played.

Ah well you know what they say. There is no such thing as playing games too much.

Playing games is only considered too much if it impacts real life responsibilities.

Errr actually. Somehow I’ve worked out I play for nearly 5hrs a day. The wonders of remote working from home.



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dude I uninstalled and thats one big reason. Im sick of the FOMO crap.
Good games dont need that. They dont respect the players.

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I’ll admit I don’t mind the snipers, but the dogs should be binned and the lid locked with the key thrown away.

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Well we’re pretty inclusive here, only one simple requirement to join. Welcome #366.

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Thankfully they do spawn snipers in right way that they don’t close off flanking opportunities against them. i.e. Never had a stack of them in a tunnel and no side doors.

Dogs - Quickly find a choke point like a doorway, they can’t jump through doors so stand on inside and start swiping away. High level strat right there. When one person gets caught I cringe when someone casually takes few seconds to knock a dog off someone, need to have 1 sec response time before they stack up on other players too.

Nothing tactical here to deal with dogs, that’s the problem, it is a predictable chore. Sometimes feel cheated too if you’re doing well and then few secs someone is too zoned out to notice dog pinned someone, whole mission gone.

At least snipers there is tactical approaches i.e. cover to cover, tank it straight up towards them, flank to the side etc.

There is ONE good thing about dogs. Stops people wandering off on their own. Learning lesson.

I don’t need strats for them, I need them to be non-existent. They aren’t fun to fight, they fly in the air and through obstacles, turn on dimes with no predictability, and resist dodging/damage/pushing on their own accord without any reason as to when or why. They’re poor replacements for Assassin rats, which were dangerous but can be countered predictably; dogs are just broken.

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