Issue Description:
It’s been a rough week trying to play Darktide. For most of the week, I just couldn’t play at all because of the 3001 errors blocking many of us in US West.
Today, I finally got into the hub. First game I play, it’s stuttering and sliding around like I’m drunk until I’m finally booted out with Error 2014. With the moonwalking, it’s very different from the stutters we got after the last major patch. Oh, but it’s letting me reconnect! Great! Error 9999. Okay, but it’s giving me the reconnect option again, great! Error 4008. And then it’s Error 4008 until I finally give up trying to reconnect. Sigh.
Okay, now the Shocktroop Gauntlet modifier is no longer available. Aside from HISG, it’s my favorite. Guess I’ll settle for HI (since there’s no choice). Load into game annnnd, crash to desktop. Sigh.
I’m not giving up! I’m going to have fun!
Back in the hub, no 3001 error (small mercy). I’m in the mood to burn things. I load up my Psyker’s Purgatus build. Get into game and … wait, what? This is the Surge staff I was using last game. Oh, but look at this, my talents are the ones I use with the Purgatus build I was gonna play. So, only my talents got loaded?! Sigh.
Whatever, Darktide’s motto is “settle for what you’re given, not what you wanted”, so let’s play! Whoah, dogs are attempting to escape orbit and warping sideways to pounce. Someone gets pinned by a space program dog, Psyker ult is up so I try to use that to get it off them. F. F. F. FFFFFFF. Nothing. Ult just doesn’t trigger. It was triggering fine until this moment, but now … nope, sorry, no ult. Well, that’s a new bug! We manage to make it through and win with others complaining about jank dogs and snipers and all sorts of weird issues they are seeing. Sigh.
So, it’s been a really bad week of trying to play. Trying to have fun with the gameloop (don’t get me started on the Crafting Casino #breakTheLocks). This is far and away the buggiest game experience I’ve ever had. No other game I’ve played (including Early Access ones) come close to comparing.
This week it has felt like things are getting worse instead of better. What is going on over there? Fun has been replaced by frustration everywhere, not just at the crafting station.
Crash Report (If Applicable):
crash_dump-2023-05-17-17.21.33-6851c81e-0855-420a-9728-346b87a719ba.dmp (709.7 KB)
Error Displayed (If Applicable):
Error 2014. Error 9999. Error 4008.
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Just now.
Reproduction Rate:
I’m not willing to find out. Taking a break. This is not fun.
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