This community is awful

you can go to these forums, steam forums, the discord, and it’s all the same: and endless stream of people howling blue murder about crap that doesn’t matter unless you’ve already become a toxic piece of garbage.

-people endlessly posting complaints about weapon blessings being locked, but they don’t lock unless you change them yourself. The only reason to complain about that is if you already think you’re entitled to getting every stat on your weapon exactly how you want it, and the whole reason there’s a drop system is to make that a reward instead of an assumption. There’s no reason to be mad about the game’s intended design, just try different builds with what you get.

-people endlessly bitching the game “is unfinished” because they don’t have a weapon/class they want yet, and like 80% of the are asking for stuff that doesn’t fit in the game. Every time those complaints come into play it’s because they want to have some sort of busted access to abilities that don’t work in the group dynamic and want to play a different game. If you want to play a sniper sim or run mercy on overwatch, go play that instead of getting mad at an unrelated game because you like 40k and just want your other games to have a 40k skin. Go get a mod or something, geez.

-people constantly crapping on any gun they can’t personally beat into the meta and demanding buffs so the weapons can be used for everything optimally, without any thought for why the weapon is designed the way it is. All they want is to have busted OP gear because they don’t actually want to play a challenging game, they want to run’n’gun without their brain on and brag about doing it at the highest difficulty and they need stronger stuff for that. That’s not the way the game is made, just go play space marine.

the majority of the playerbase is the usual no commenting types but for some reason 40k games just get this endless influx of perma-butthurt screechers that can’t accept that the gameplay was made with a specific goal in mind and not catering to their current whim. there’s not even any way to fix it because as long as it’s got the warhammer license you’ll always see more of them. it’d be nice if they just shut up, because the only problem this game has is the rampant playerbase negativity.

well, they could improve the mission lighting too. i don’t see how any work ever got done in these places when you can’t see the machinery you’re working on.


people bi*ch because its a literal downgrade from V2in every single aspect , a game that already suffered from timewasteing crafting system.


Cringe consumer + 0 gaming expirience post.


Paid actor


The drop system would already have plenty of RNG grind with getting a high base item score allocated the way a player wants it. Anything else is layered RNG, and layered RNG is quite literally always a bad thing. Real life lottery odds don’t belong in my goddamn video game.



I know I KNOW. A snarky reaction image. But allow me to ask?



Me I’d be more upset if I invested in this company and they had their most recent title drop from 100k players to less than 2k daily. Somehow in all of this Fat Shark’s failure became our responsibility instead. We should have done better!


complain they don’t get what they want. they could lock every perk and blessing on a weapon when you get it and 98% of weapons would still be perfectly fine to use but people feel entitled to getting 100% “perfect” weapons because they played a few games of being carried in damnation.

use the drops you get and it’ll be fine.


First of all. Thank you for using paragraphs. Alot of rants tend to be wall of text, so at least appreciate you took the time.

Suggesting we should always ignore ever rerolling 2nd blessing, basically ignore crafting to resolve the problem.

Crafting locks is an artificial way of bloating game time. It isn’t difficult to obtain weapons in complexity itself. But the element of time. Try working/running a business 9-6 and play 2hrs per night, see the progression. It is like an MMO level of grind. It is not difficulty, it is time. Few hundred hours is not considered reasonable.

It is because of 5 maps that have overuse of the same graphical assets. After 8 months they release 2 more maps that look the same. Basically they use AutoDesk Stingray software to drag and drop to move graphical assets around and call it a new map.

People want diversity to try new builds. T5 mission completion is not an issue, it is now about approaches with different build effects for fun. Nothing to do with difficulty, you can run a T5 mission with grey weapons easily. No one here actually complains of difficulty because there are 5 tiers of mission difficulty to choose from. It’s about choice.


So you decided to contribute to it?


if you don’t like the community, then maybe don’t interact with it? Try thinking for once in your life and get a grip.
Also I’m not reading that entire word splooge wall of text you posted, seems like you’re mad about something,
but why should anyone care what you think or feel when all it looks like you’ve said is “waaa waaa I’m angry because people hav opinion or factual evidence but! I never check if opinion or factual evidence is valid waa!”


" i’m gonna make a nonsense toxic post about toxic people "


Asuka go BRRR!


Bro the game came out completely unfinished, and even now it’s still missing a bunch of features from the last two games. They released this as if both Vermintides had never existed. Likely so they could drip-feed those features back as “content” for this game as a service that never gets updates.

I love the game, I play it a lot, I honestly don’t mind the Lock system that much, but you can’t tell me this wasn’t released half finished, and is still not feature complete compared to the two previous.


I flagged this post, and tha site gave me a warning when I wanted to respond:
“This post has already been flagged for moderator attention. Are you sure you wish to reply to it? Replies to negative content tend to encourage more negative behavior.”

So I will be as brief as I can. It is not toxic to tell the developers, who expect feedback, the problems with their design and shortcomings. It is not toxic to tell them over and over again if it is obvious that they don’t listen.

List of facts:

The locks are bad, and drive away players.
The game is unfinished and it drivers away players and potential players.
Nerfing in a game, where balance is the least serious issue, and nerfing stuff is a bad way to act like the company is doing something.
And there is not much of a difference in numbers between the commenters here and actual players. Have you seen the steam statistics? The game is bleeding out.

Edit: everyone else who wrote a post like this, got themselves banned from here, I wonder if the same will happen in this case.


TL;DR, courtesy of ChatGPT. No, I didn’t read the OP, so I have no idea if they have anything in common. Enjoy:

Players endlessly complain about trivial issues, showing entitlement and making unreasonable demands about game design. Some want abilities that don’t fit the game, while others seek overpowered gear for an easy experience. The negativity arises from not accepting the game’s intended design. The mission lighting could use improvement.


Guys, I got bad news. The game you have is the game you will always have. There is no point complaining that you want locks removed because as far as FS is concerned if they remove locks and let you craft the exact item you want, then there is no reason for you to stay/spend money on cosmetics that everyone but you can see and noone but you will care about!

This game WAS NEVER MADE TO BE FUN. It was made by a company with investors and a board and they dont give a literal FK about you or the game. They invested X and the want X+% back. That is FS only concern, the fact that you had fun AT ALL is a fortunate side effect of the product they made, because that is CERTAINLY not what they set out to achieve. They sold you a super impressive tech demo the same as they sold GW and other investors.


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This is nothing but a company fulfilling a contract to justify their existence. When ANY ‘live service game’ loses 95% of it’s playerbase and never comes close to reclaiming those numbers, regardless of updates and ‘improvements’ it shows enough of a problem that 95% of people lost interest after the hype wore off. This is shown by the steam achievements. 90% got circle of trust 1, only 55% got rank 2.
Heck, 40% of players have never even seen a Daemonhost. I disagree that the community is 100% awful, because alot of us that had spent a year or more looking forward to this game only to have it launch 30% done when FS was FULLY AWARE OF THE STATE OF THE GAME ( because c’mon, they are a COMPANY MOTIVATED BY MONEY) and then pat themselves on the back like they were choking during the skulls event for fixing some bugs and introducing just as many in the process. Then almost instituting all the features they advertised at launch, while IGNORING the ones they just flat out don’t wanna do.

I am looking at you solo play, ya’ know why we don’t have solo play? Because FS isn’t going to let us use one of their rented servers that costs them money, to play by ourselves. Everyone whined about dedicated servers on VT2, now we have them and THEY ARE SH*T. random mission types we can’t select? “You aren’t getting your own server where you get to pick and play missions, we don’t have enough content for that and even if we did, We aren’t paying a hosting service for you to play a custom game, you play what we pick or STFU and go play something else because 40k”


unspoken legend

funny as hell how people flagged this post

this place legit Gooberville