Third Person Mode Please

Title pretty much says it all.

I know it’s not a highly requested feature and it might not work 100% correctly, but I know I am not the only one that would want this feature (see 3rd person mods on pc).

It’s not a pvp game. It shouldn’t hurt balance much, if at all. I would love just to be able to see my guy with my cosmetics while fighting

There should be a mod for that

Ive spent rougly 205€ on cosmetics, and it’s exclusively thanks to the third person mod.

I couldn’t care less about cosmetics in a first person mode game though. It’s why i never bothered buying anything in DRG.

So in a weird roundabout way, a thid person mode could result in more cosmetics sales…and thus more free DLC for everybody?

Of course assuming that there are other filthy “whales” like me around :stuck_out_tongue:

There is, but I’m not on pc my guy

I’m so sorry. Yours is a terrible lot when it comes to Fatshark games. Having to wait for them to actually get to adding any quality of life or neat features is… taxing.

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I agree with you. A well implemented TPS mod would benefit them to sell cosmetics.
But considering how they handle cosmetics, maybe we should think that, maybe, they don’t want selling them. They may have a secret plan, like promoting them when the game will be dead. Who knows? secret super plan may be the reason.

More seriously. I played with perspective mod a lot of time. I would not advice it with a dagger. You can play it great with slower weapons, but it is harder to aim for weakspots.
Playing ogryn in TPS (with the mod) is not evident. But we can (the character is really big and this can make things harder…)
There are problem if you are too close of a wall, and this can lead to deaths.
This being said, something implemented in the game itself, with corrections for the problems I mentioned earlier, would be a great addition for the game.