I just wanted to make a positive shoutout to the modding community for being the primary reason I’m still playing Darktide.
So many frustrations about the game UI, missing quality of life features, and other components have been rectified by modding. My check list of grievances with the game is rapidly dwindling as a result of the great work modders are doing.
I don’t see them discussed very often here, but I wanted to give a shout out to some of the mods that have really helped improve my overall experience tremendously:
=== Combat HUD / UI
Show All Buffs - adds buff icons for all of your active buffs from weapons, including # of stacks. This was a core feature of VT2 that thankfully mods made happen in DT.
NumericUI - so much freaking better. Can see exact ammo counts and/or percentages for teammates
CrosshairHUD - adds small coherency notifications near the crosshair and toughness/health popups when you take damage
Custom Hud - let’s you rearrange hud elements (I use it to move the ability effects closer to the center of the screen)
Healthbars - a matter of personal preference on this one
Ping Monitor - thank god
Player Outlines - customizable player outlines, similar to what was in the beta. Works great, and much better than the default system.
=== Big Features
Scoreboard - I want a score board. This one is great. It HAS stats for defensive things like stagger, blocks, etc… Great to be able to get sense of how you did.
Creature Spawner - it’s GREAT to be able to spawn whatever enemies you want in in the test chamber/meat grinder and test out actually fighting enemies with their AI turned on. Really fun for build testing.
Blessings of the Omnissah - This adds little indicators to your inventory and shop lists for blessings you don’t already have in your library and/or if you have one at a higher tier. Managing blessings was a nightmare without this.
Hub Hotkeys - adds customizable hotkeys to the Hub so you don’t have run all the over place and waste your own time.
Chat Block - again, a VT2 feature that didn’t make it to DT, that a modder made happen
PsykaniumInveHotkey - I just want to be able to press “I” to open inventory in test chamber. Now I can.
Tap2Dodge - I used double-tap to dodge in VT2, and it’s been missing in DT. Another modders to the rescue situation.
TagKeys - sorry but social wheels are dumb. This mod lets you bind keys directly to “need health, thank you, go here, etc.”
Show Weapons in Lobby - let’s you toggle viewing melee or ranged weapons for all players in the lobby.
Preview Cosmetics - now you can actually see how normal AND premium cosmetics look ON YOUR CHARACTER. The amount of weird clipping issues becomes significantly more apparent BTW.
Re-Roll until Rarity - Hadron’s perk re-roll system is atrocious. This makes it a little less miserable.
Nothing New - my pre-released characters were bugged with “new cosmetic” notification lights that never went away. I’ve been complaining for months. This mod finally fixes it.
Mission Sorter - organizes the mission board by difficulty. Just makes the damn thing quicker to parse.
Pickup notification tweaker - The huge hideous pickup notifications can be disabled or customized.
There are plenty of other good mods, but I wanted to highlight ones that have a made a big improvement to the basic functionality and usability of the game.
This is why I hope we get to keep mods and people don’t ruin it for the rest because they want Veteran to be stronger. If it even went to the VT2 point where it was approved ones only it would be horrible, considering how they haven’t approved any since like 2019.
It’s incredibly disheartening that the devs haven’t added UI features as simple as a scoreboard and ping monitor. The game should absolutely not have shipped without these.
Fatshark design philosophy for Darktide - Everything must be of Inconvenience to players:
Bugged enemies
Shooters not classified as shooters
P.S. 1000+ mission player here. Only way to tolerate this nonsense is to avoid everything outside the Missions (Missions are good) and use as many mods as possible out of spite and to fix Openly BAD design decisions.
I’ve been assembling mods into a single .zip file to share with friends, which I’ll link below if you want to give it a shot. Install instructions are in the .zip file. But it’s pretty easy:
(1) Unzip folders + files into your root Darktide folder
(2) Run the toggle_darktide_mods.bat file
(3) Start your game
(4) Open mod menu (F4) and configure settings as you want. Mods can be turned on/off in game from the mod menu if you don’t like something.
Don’t use em myself but your right they are good guys for putting the work in. A lot of the time devs add things modders create and that’s a good thing.
I have a friend that cooled towards the game significantly a while back mentioning that almost everything in the game outside the mission itself was like the game was fighting against you. I am sad to say that aspect hasn’t changed much, but the mods do soften the blow a lot and I’ve mentioned that to my friend and they have been trying some more stuff lately. And for that, thank you.
Because Camo feat, especially if you’re one of the poor players that doesn’t have it when 2-3 other player do, “can” be pretty detrimental to your experience. You’ll end up being targeted by “everything” while your squad of vets hang back having their own private sniper competition. Meanwhile you’re left to deal with everything else that’s now targeting you.
Also - I’d argue that Camo is a bit of a crutch. It encourages passively sitting back and prevents less experienced vet players from having to deal with closer range and/or melee engagements. It holds them back from developing skill wise if they rely on it too much.
Idk man, I think camo is a must take, even if you intend on being flexible between melee and ranged, its too strong, if you go a more sharpshooter route its pretty much mandatory. Its also not a 100% get out of jail free card, so you can’t entirely rely on it. I can see how people could use it as a crutch but…
It’s the only Feat I can think of that can actually encumber your teammates and actively hinder them. And it’s on a class that’s already considered the strongest in the game. Vets don’t need it to be strong and effective.
Camo-vets - bad for runs. And most of users of this feet are really bad shots anyway.
Best way to deal with them is to stand right behind them so all those shooters that priorities paper-thing psyker will shoot that camo-master They took feat that negatively affect my gameplay and harms me - so i’m full right to avoid such players and harm them in return.