The workflow for discarding items needs a serious overhaul

I very much appreciate the ability to mark items as favourite, but I think the changes to the workflow when discarding an item is way too cumbersome and impractical. Plus, I think marking items as favourite is not sufficient, and needs to be expanded:

  1. There are two kinds of items a player may want to mark as favourite: those in regular use, and those which have good base stats, so that the player may want to keep the item for later use. Right now we cannot seperate those two cases, and have to mark everything as favourite that we prefer not to discard, which still keeps a lot of clutter indistinguished from the items we have in regular use.

I propose that there exist a button that locks an item against discarding, without marking it as favourite. So basically, an item can either be:

  • Unlocked (the default for newly acquired items)
  • Locked
  • Favourited

Only unlocked items can be discarded. Favourited items are always pinned to the top in any view of this item category and regardless of how the list is sorted (the current sorting should apply within the set of favourited items, of course).

  1. When discarding items, the filter for rarities and ratings are pretty much useless. The current rating of an item is effectively irrelevant in most cases, what truly matters are are the actual stats, and not even the current stats, but the potential stats when the item is maxed.

We can keep the filters if you want, but I want one button that immediately marks all items that are neither locked nor favourited.

In the confirmation stage, you can only look at the selected items and choose to confirm or cancel. If you decided that you do not wish to discard any of the shown items, you need to exist back to the previous step and manually look for that item and unselect it.

Instead, I propose that from this confirmation screen you should be able to also mark any of the displayed items as locked or favourite, at which point they immediately disappear from the selection and the discard confirmation screen.

  1. I propose that the button to quickly discard the selected item in the normal view is reintroduced. Often it’s just a single item you want to get rid of, and the whole workflow with 2 separate screens is way overkill for that purpose. This button of course needs to be greyed out when the selected item is locked or favourited.

Isn’t this how Borderlands 3 does it? Seems reasonable to me.

The bar must be very low to consider any Borderlands UI “reasonable”.