The weapons are kinda lacking, maybe add that customization system people have been wanting

listen, just hear me out, it’s possible, it’s lore friendly, it wouldn’t be too bad of an idea either when you consider the mastery system and the amount of variety that it’d allow for. it would also allow you to add more penances and not put in work with thinking of new ones.

here’s a suggestion on how it’d work in game.

1-unlock modifications: it’s fairly simple, just go through the mastery system that’s already in the game.

2-using modifications: to do this, you would select the weapon you want to modify, enter a new menu with a cog/gear icon, select the modifications, click on the equip button.

now, i know that just lumping them all in with the very end of the mastery line is a bad idea, so i decided to go and come up with something.

you’ll unlock them with other things when you reach a milestone, specifically, every 5 levels. you would be shown which one you unlock next, such as the torch at 5, the bayonet at 15, a sight at 10. you would get modifications from each milestone but each weapon will have restrictions for modifications.

restrictions for the non-kinetic weapons would be stuff like “no special ammo” and the kinetic weapons would have stuff like “no venting”. there would also be some weapons that can’t use modifications at all, like plasma weapons and psyker staves. melee weapons would also be excluded.

the only 2 modification types available would be special and sight. pistol type weapons wouldn’t be able to have bayonets and large sights unless the sight is going on the bolt pistol, and large type guns can’t have pistol sights. everything else would have to just fit the gun. (i.e. a bayonet could go on any big gun but a flashlight wouldn’t fit on a double barrel)

since modifications including flashlights have to be unlocked, everybody get’s push as their standard special activation.

one of the penances would be to unlock every modification for one gun and equip a special and a sight mod. another would be to complete a mission without modifications after max mastering a weapon.


Or maybe we could just use money.

real or in game?

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Of course in game money.

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Can I have a laser pointer on my dueling sword?

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there’s a reason i specified guns.

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Because you’re unimaginative?

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But think of the possiblities!


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