i don’t mean something like the blessings, traits, and perks we have now, i already like those. i’m talking about sights and special activations, for instance, the helbore makes for a good sniper type weapon and it has a bayonet on it that some people don’t actually like. why not make it so that we change change the special activation to be something like a flashlight or a bash or even just a push. and going back to the helbore, the sights on it aren’t the greatest thing imaginable but they get the job done, that’s true, but why not make it so that we can change from Irons to something like the sights on the default infantry lazgun?
i think that i have a way to make this work well and be implimented in a way that makes everybody happy and if not everybody than most people.
with the new mastery system, we could have our sights and special activations all replaced with irons and the push special activation and we would have to work toward getting new special activations and sights to put on our weapons with some weapons not being able to use alternate sights or specials, such as the plazma gun being a solo special and the braced guns not having a sight and of course some weapon specials would also not be put on other guns, like the special ammo of the shotguns being confined to just the shotguns and the vent on the plazma gun being exclusive to the plazma gun.
for the record, i’m not asking to be able to swap out my barrel or to slap a different stock onto my shotgun, i’m just asking for customizable sights and weapon special activations. nothing overpowered or anything, just a bit more choice.
Honest question, does anybody actually use the melee on ranged weapons? If so, why? What is it good at that you’d do that instead of just switching to melee? I hear the helbore one is good, but I don’t use the helbore so I dunno. And I think the ripper and grenade gauntlet have blessings that have to do with punching people with them, but I basically only ever use a heavy stubber.
But like, braced autogun, or revolver. Swapping to melee is so fast that I don’t think I’ve ever used the special attack melee on anything.
i think that at least some people would care because it just feels lazy compared to letting us customize our weapons. and yes, the bash and the bayonet are both really good, they’re actually good because if your ranged weapon has a good melee attack then the game forgives you for not having worked as much on your actual melee. it is also good for not wasting your time swapping weapons so you can kill a pox walker and not waste any ammo.
Is it actually wasting any time though? Maybe it’s just because I have quick swap bound to a mouse button, but I feel like flipping my melee weapon out and blocking/pushing might even be faster than remembering to smack someone with the butt of my bolt pistol. It’s certainly never been a problem; like I’ve never been in a situation where I got hit because I was using my ranged weapon and tried to switch to melee but doing so was too slow.