The weapon stats are confusing and unclear

So when I first opened this game I assumed the sliders were all set on a global scale, so if a bar was higher, it would do more damage regardless of score.

I now know with watching people test, this isn’t true.

At this point I can only assume (and this is just me completely guessing, I have no way of knowing for sure) that bigger rating = better damage.

On top of this, the descriptors for melee weapons are honestly super vague and I have learned absolutely zero information from this weapon. For instance my axe does… 3 explosions for lights and 2 explosions for heavy? Even if I learned what that explosion symbol means, what does that stat do? Did we learn this in the tutorial?

The special action for this same axe by the way is “special melee attack” – Well that says absolutely nothing. I tried it in the meat grinder and it doesn’t appear to do anything in particular… You just do an undercut for much less damage than a light attack, making it seem like there’s ZERO reason to use it.

For my final example tonight we’ll look at the Force Sword. Light attack does… What I assume is slash, stab, stab. Cool, no idea what the difference is. Is stabbing better against certain targets? No way to look that up. Is that explosion symbol supposed to be blunt damage? Cool, still not a clue what it does.

Finally special action, Warp Charged. Name doesn’t say much but in game I coat my sword in some weird glowy stuff and… I think suck the life from my melee target? This one I haven’t actually tried in the meat grinder yet so I don’t know if it actually does good damage for the heavy cost. In fact, I’d avoid the force sword all together because the very act of blocking can make you explode, but there’s a lot of threads covering that already.

It looks like Fat Shark has a bunch of neat little tools and tricks players can use, but there’s no point in putting it in if nobody can figure out how to utilize them. Put some sort of terminology guide somewhere or something, I don’t know, just right now I’ve got no idea what I’m looking at nor how to learn without letting smarter people do it for me and post results on youtube.


I have to agree with you on this one.


After testing the hatchet special is actually better against armored targets. It’s a neat detail but not one I would’ve ever figured out without someone else straight-up telling me.

The worst is with 3 lasgun variants you have to double check which is which. The bar on that versatile bigger than the one on the precise? Thats right, it deals less damage.

How does power impact the stats too. Is a 100 power weapon with a full damage bar better than a 200 power weapon with a half bar?

At this point i dont buy anything from the vendor because odds are ill be disappointed when the weapon just feels like a downgrade to what i was using. Why have a system of progressing gear if nothing gets explained.

Fatshark is allergic to stat numbers, don’t you know?


I’ve only been buying items with something like a 20+ gear score difference so far. Making a new character and trying the same difficulties is rough lol so that’s why I’m thinking gear score is the major defining thing until you hit whatever the cap is.

Here’s another example. What in the name of the god emperor is “soulblaze”?

This one was relatively simple to test, at the very least.
It does 2 ticks of burn damage over time, 8 if you have all 4 of your steroid stacks. Killing another elite while soulblaze is active will refresh the duration and add a second stack on top of it, it looks like this can stack indefinitely, but I don’t have a reliable way to test that.

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that is a really good question, one I have been asking myself as well. wish we could get a clarification for that.

Its a burn effect. I tested it in the meat grinder. 2 stacks deals around 5 damage each second for a total of around 50 damage.
For reference, the basic gunmen enemies have around 200 hp on malice difficulty.

It MIGHT be useful but I’d say just go with 6% peril on each warp charge. It will save you from a lot of Perils of the Warp explosion.

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