The weakly challenge where we play in the dark...stop it!

I think I can speak for most, the weekly event/game where we play in the dark, a majority of us hate that and won’t play it.

What we would love is instead of total darkness with a crappy torch, could you notch up the gamma on the darkness so we can see maybe ten to fifteen feet ahead or increase the torch light radius?

Off this topic but all the same, love it when you go on a map and it is darker outside or gloomy, can you add a random where it is closer to twilight, that would be a great atmosphere and ambiance to play in.

I’d prefer it if we just had little lanterns hanging on ourselves.

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That is one of my favorite events. It is pretty good for nice screenshots.



Not being able to see is ass. It’s one of the more artificial ways to increase difficulty. It’s fine there’s places where you can get this experience if you seek it, but don’t put it as a weekly, that’s just toxic.

You do not need to play weekly challenges for anything…


That’s definitely true. I don’t need to play Vermintide 2 at all as a matter of fact. I do it because it’s fun. And some things aren’t fun in the game, such as that modifier, thus I complain.