I’ve got to politely and strongly disagree - I only play heresy and damnation at this point and the power sword is amazing. Cleave is a weapon trait that doesn’t scale down with difficulty, stagger and damage do. Hop into the meat grinder on damnation and kill a crusher with a power sword and a hatchet (if you have two with similar power). I’ve got a grey one of each, both with power in the 60% and no traits, and the power sword kills the crusher faster. Try it yourself, its not even a close thing. The single target destroyer that is the hatchet kills a crusher slower on damnation then the power sword AND only hits a single target. Seriously don’t take my word for it, go test it out, its nuts.
Really, this is true for all of them. Okay, they most likely all do have a switch you’d flip before heading out the front door, but still. This is like having to start your car with the key again at every red light. “Oh, you car slowed for a second, need to turn the ignition again.”
Chainswords do have a throttle, but that’s something the game should handle by itself, or it could put the throttle on mousewheel so I can rev it up and down to where I want it like I can the gas pedel on a car. What you would really do is let off on when drawing back and squeeze when striking, and maybe squeeze more if you hit hard armor… mid swing.
Using a gas pedal is easy, this is turning the car on and off. Not how throttles work even slightly.
The main issue is the other power weapons being non existent, or being heavily underwhelming. Thunder hammer feels great, until the fact that it can only ever really hit one target at a time AND is slow. It should cleave when activated until hitting a monstrosity/boss, or bulwark. It should uniquely do heavy damage thru their shield imo, and should probably do AOE if/when it stops for a charged heavy swing. They could keep it slow, or maybe make it slightly slower tbh, and it would feel great. We’ll see about the ogryn powe maul, and then I wonder if we will see a power axe. Also force sword charged light attacks should mimic the power sword light attacks imo, the heavy attack for charged force sword is pretty good tho.
It also starts to fail to 1 shot enemies and doesn’t have an unlimited cleave through carapace armor or bulwark shields. Fights against larger armored enemies are also rarely one on one in Hersey and Damnation, so the lacking defensive stats of both the power sword and the base veteran stats really put pressure on you.
So, to sum it up. The only players who complain about the Sword of Vet being to strong, are those who either never played it and only see how it seemingly shreds and those who think that the Meatgrinder is in any way comparable to being in the real fight at highest difficulty.
Just stop projecting your anger about missing or weak things at YOUR favorite class, onto seemingly good working things at other Classes. If you go on with this MMORPG style NERF this BUFF that mentality, as if the classes would be in a fight against each other. Then the only thing you achieve will be an MMORPG style circle of Nerfs and Buffs back and forth every month until the Balance is totally broken and everything will get mirrored until everyone has the same stuff and nothing is unique anymore.
THIS is NOT a PVP game. Something being STRONG or WORKING, means that the SQUAD is STRONG and WORKING!
If you are MAD that another CLASS has something that is STRONG. BUT you want that YOUR CLASS is the one that all should admire the most, so IT has to have the STRONGEST something.
Then that just shows how twisted and strange your mind works. I mean for GOD SAKE! You are not complaining about a broken or OP enemy. You are not complaining about a to strong BOSS.
You are complaining about the gear of another Class that plays on YOUR side, just because it is not the Class you play as favorite. We are sitting in the same boat and you try to drill a hole under the seat of your neighbor, because you like the view on his site more than on yours, and you want his feet to become wet.
At least wait till all Weapons are out, until you compare them and declare which one is the strongest.
so if its less unbalanced on the hardest difficulty its ok that is massively OP on the all the rest? i dont get that logic. i think balance needs to be there at all levels particulay in the levels where most people play.
i can understand that , i sincerely hope they dont the power sword literally breaks the game , all the weapons need to be distinct and useful but balanced the problem with the power sword isnt that its more powerful than other weapons frankly thats ok , the issue is its too powerful for the content. buffing other guns is just going to multiply the problem.
well if you mean average then yes thats the point of balance, i suspect you were more going for a sentiment along the lines of bland and indestinct?
The problem isn’t that the Power Sword is strong, the problem is that most of the other melee weapons aren’t up to it’s standards on Heresy/Damnation difficulty or that most people aren’t looking at the strengths of the other melee weapons available and crying because this particular weapon has a very noticeable and prominent strength thanks to it’s special ability that allows it to do more than just one thing really good, it can do two things really good and that’s cleaving through hordes with ease whilst dealing respectable damage to Elites/Specials.
Without it’s special ability, the Power Sword is friggin’ worthless, even then the only reason why it sticks out so much is because people keep making threads about it like it’s some competitive PvP game or retweeting it over and over and over. Furthermore with the Toughness changes, do you really think that a Veteran has an advantage against a Zealot or Ogryn in Melee? If that Veteran has 200 Toughness which would be his 100% to get the immunity hit, he needs more melee kills to fill back up to 100% whereas the other classes don’t. If anything the extra toughness padding is moreso the Veteran can shrug off ranged attacks to return fire effectively.
The Power Sword doesn’t just suddenly make the Veteran the master of all, jack of none. More to the point, if Veterans’ had their melee weapons nerfed, then surely every other class should get it’s ranged capabilities reduced right? No. It’s marketed on the store-pages. Hybrid-Combat, each and every class should have effectiveness in both melee and ranged combat in this game.
Plus another big thing is, if the Power Sword gets nerfed significantly, a lot of people will just move onto the next big ‘OP’ meta weapon and then people will bemoan about that particular item when they see X using Y more often than any other item available.
Should I complain about the duelling sword being really goddamn good at light-attack spam lawnmowing hordes of trash mobs down whilst having really good dodge capabilities? No, because it likely lacks in other areas.
Should people complain about the sapper shovel’s really consistent and broad-reaching stagger and knockdown against trash packs with heavy attacks? No, because it lacks in other areas.
If anyone says Damnation or Heresy is unplayable if you run anything other than the Power Sword as a Veteran, then they probably need to look at themselves first and foremost before assessing the balance of the game and it’s weaponry. Sure the Power Sword makes hordes far less difficult to handle, but it doesn’t just automatically hand you victory on Damnation difficulty.
so if you had a gun that you could fire at the start of the level and it killed every single thing on the level and stopped anything spwning so you just had to walk to the end that would be fine? that wouldnt break the game?
in PVE game you need balance just as much as pvp its just you need to balance against the content
Respectfully this is a bad take on things. Balancing is an important part of any game, and its an iterative process.
No, but it is a game of skill. One player can solo a level if they’re good enough. Balancing a game like this such that 4 people can play together, and have fun contributing to the groups success is really hard, but critically important. Its the whole point of a skill based game, to enjoy getting better at a thing, and see yourself impact the game in a meaningful way. Is Darktide as sweaty as Dota or CS-GO, of course not, but its still a technical first person shooter, wherein two players with identical loadouts can perform completely differently based on their individual skill.
Every weapon is viable. Every weapon is “working” as you put it. But there are major outliers that, when you meet in game while using a more difficult off-meta choice are frustrating, as they lower the amount of skill you personally need to bring to the table. When one thing is an outlier, you don’t need to restructure the entire system around that one thing, you can simply tweak it to bring it closer to a happy medium.
Everyone can and does play every class, and every weapon. There is no “your class”, variety is the spice of life. I want to nerf the power sword so I can use it without feeling like I’m stealing fun from my team. I want to nerf the power sword so that I can feel useful playing hatchet-zealot alongside a power-sword veteran.
Again, balance is iterative. It will never be perfect, you have to keep trying and changing things. There’s never a bad time to look at balance. And you should be excited when things get changed, its a chance to try something new, to play in a different way.
Into a difficulty 1 map that i run for a quick weekly mission. That it should do less dmg and perform as if it would be a base level butterknife? Deluded. Simply deluded that’s what your argument is. What is the point of farming and leveling up weapons to their max, when they should then be weaker by default as soon as you start a low-level chill of mission run?
The logic is simple. You are not playing with THAT weapon on max level. You not upgraded that sword to max level. You just see what skilled players do with it, when the are paired together in a round with you. And there you somehow hate to see how they perform. By that logic you would hate to see me shred thru Level 1 with my 480 relic Combat knife too, and demand it being nerfed there.
I might take some other perk. One thing being good doesn’t mean you can lose another part of your kit. It’s like saying “Bolter is good” but I might not be running bolter.
Dunno why people think that other people should be locked into a piece of kit to the exclusion of all other possible selections just because they don’t want to get their own class fixed.
no thats entirely unrelated to what i was talking about, i was arguing against the concept that a weapon being less relatively broken compared to other equal level weapons at the fringes of difficulty negated the problem of it being more broken at the average levels.
i was talking about relative strength between equal level weapons based on the intrinsic characteristics of that weapon type types ie Power swords are broken OP compared to all other weapons, where you got this idea that i was talking about high level gear being balanced against low tier content ie end game gear should be balanced against noob content is frankly a mystery.
but your wayyyy off mark
but as you were so nice and polite about it…
you havent noticed those yellow weapons have the same damage range as the grey ones have you?
its my experience that when people make judgements of others character in ignorance of any facts they tend to reveal more about themselves than they intend
its not a comparison , its pointing out the flaw in an argument.
if you read the post you will see im not saying that is how powerful the power sword is im pointing out that clearly balance actually does matter even in a pve game.