Please, just let it stay forever.
There’s no real reason to let us play it for a limited time and then remove it forever(?).
This is a yearly repeated event, the uniqueness comes from it being available only for a week.
I’m torn on this. One one hand, this map is one of the greatest things about Vermintide ever. Everything about it is awesome. So being able to play it more often sounds good. On the other hand, having it around for a limited time does make it more special…
I would say that even if the map is freely available, it probably wouldn’t be overplayed too much since its reward is low (no books). Like Fortunes of War, kind of.
Make it a permanent and all the uniqueness that makes people want it to be permanent is gone by week 2 and then it’s just “another map in the rotation.”
How about make it permanently available, but not in the Quickplay rotation? Like Fortunes of War. Just put a bar with a stack of barrels somewhere in the keep that’s used to activate the map. That’d be brilliant.
But that’s really all I want – more maps in the rotation.
They can (and already do) tie weekly events & special rewards to maps that are part of the regular rotation. They don’t have high enough bandwidth in their content development funnel to make high-quality content and then just not use it for 51 weeks per year.
Quiet drink map is awesome and funny
i want it to stay forever!
Yes because more maps are a bad thing no?
Why would you think so?
It’s the anniversary map, it’s coming back.
This is how it should be done if they ever decide to make it permanent. It should definitely not be in the QP pool.
Still, I’d prefer to have it as a yearly thing.
That’s virtually forever if it’s only open one week a year.
The intent of this whole ‘event’ approach was (imo) to have enough events over the year that only getting one event for a week was not that harsh as the next event was around the corner, but WoM made a huge dent in those plans. Leaving out Sonnstill last year as well as Mondstill this year and the lack of more events in general just makes the one event which even adds a map stand out even more. We got the addition of the year of the rat event, but that will not come again during V2’s lifecycle.
A not so unreasonable request would be to make events stay a bit longer, let’s say double the time, 2 weeks.
A further request which might be reasonable too - although maybe unrealistic - would be to have events not be interrupted by updates, DLC’s or Expansions (though i doubt there will be another one).
Yea, I think something along these lines is the intention so that we have something all four weeks or similar. I understand why A Quiet Drink and the Night maps are only once a year. But there are ways in the game which could ease the pain of waiting a whole year for this.
For the night maps it would be easy if you single out a map once in a while a make it the weekly event. So you just have one map in night mode instead of the whole map pool.
An even easier method (but super dependent on luck once again) would be to add the event maps to the Deed pool. So by chance you can get it and play it outside the event. It would also help a bit the Deeds because none of the Deed modifier is particularly interesting and they are imo very boring. So they could be enhanced a bit like this.
Why is it unreasonable to think the map should just be in the game all the time?
If you want to make the event maps special during the events you could just give us like a free deed every day of that week made specifically for that map so that we have a reason to seek it out.
You could also give us a bunch of weekly quest that target that map specifically, all with cosmetic rewards and maybe one new painting.
Incentives = game event planning 101.
I hope that there is gonna be something different, because the map was fun for the first time but after thats it gets boring quick. It will probably be the same map, if there are new frames or something i’ll play it for that, but i don’t wanna just play an event map because i want rewards, i think events should be the fun part and rewards are added as a bonus or no rewards are fine aswell for me. Like night maps are cool but it’s not like i’m hyped to check out the ‘halloween event’ every year, its just normal maps in the night time doesn’t add a thing to do, doesn’t add a mechanic etc atleast anniversary map had the drinking mechanic, or like the leech following you around was nice. I think thats also one of the reasons they dont wanna make the map available all the time, so they don’t have to design new events each year.
Yeah, but by sitting on content for 51 weeks, they lose players. Would you rather have people leave because there’s a content drought and maybe come back to play some exclusive time-bound content for a few days, or keep them engaged by not gating off all the content so they never leave in the first place?
If Fatshark wanted to implement Seasonal Maps / Events they should’ve gone with the Fortunes of War route.
Make small maps with the emphasis on survival with actual random spawned waves of enemies. Maybe after a certain wave have an area be opened (as we’ve seen in many maps already) which will then have supplies and perhaps another place to possibly fight. It would be far easier to make such maps as opposed to a lengthy story based level that would require a ton of new assets and dialogue.
Ugh… just release a Map Editor already…
With the amount of stalling, this looks like a case similar to dedicated servers.
I never said i don’t want content, i always said content and QoL/bugs were one of the biggest reasons players are leaving. I just want something new as an event, either different map/different objective/mechanic something that changes. I don’t mind them giving us the map forever, but i would rather have content release for the core game trougout the year + something new to look out for on events, not just play 2 Weeklies or kill a rat ogre which is not new and is just a weekly quest or the same map from a year before