I think there should be a section where you can play just new maps

Instead of waiting for them to be in a rotation/difficulty you want. Kind of like a quickplay for new maps only

There is. Every time a new map comes out one slot per difficulty is taken up by the new map permanently for two weeks. Cuts down on any other map coming into rotation though.


Eventually (my guess is 18+ months away) we’ll probably see the advent of an ‘Event’ board, similar to the Auric board, with a tighter focus on the latest release or the recurring event. Someday, perhaps.

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sadly this doesnt count for auric damnation or i must have been extremely unlucky.

havent had carnival pop up once and i got no motivation whatsoever to play anything lower.

sure thats on me and i got no problem waiting, still given the option i would have played the hell out of it by now

or, even better, give people the agency to pick what they want to play.

If that’s not possible due to the nature of the servers & available missions, make it doable in a private game at least. If you run a private game, IMO you should be able to pick your map, difficulty, and modifiers. My friends and I don’t want to play the same 1-2 maps 3 times in one session.

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This needs to be communicated to FS and I believe this is one of the core issues for Darktide.

The actual time some friends have to play the game together gets cut down immediately after realizing we played all 2-3 maps “in rotation” and have to wait 10+ mins for the chance its something new. At this point we move on to a different game or call it for the day.

If this was the intentional design then its working, but It’s tough to believe that since the game we often switch to is Vermintide!

yeah, my 2 main issues with the game that remain are the crafting and map selection. Both of which were design choices meant to focus more on RNG and reducing agency from the playerbase for what feels like no real reason.

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Agreed. The design choice doesn’t have me running to store to purchase a new outfit so I can play the same map for the 3rd time.

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