The Trauma Force staff is the most useless weapon in the Psykers loadout

You really got upset over that block didnt you? So much so that it made my name recognizable and memorable in your head. Get help

Imagine bringing up something on reddit on a different board because you got mad they blocked you. Well just like on Reddit I’m going to ignore everything youre going to say too.

Calm down, son. Its just a game.

completly agree

Even if it did, it would be useless (although burning enemies look nice).

  • The blessing applies 1 stack of soulblaze on critical hits of the staff (soulblaze itself can not crit)
  • Soulblaze damage at 1 stack is worthless even against the weakest of enemies on difficulty 1
  • 5-6 stacks of Soulblaze will kill any trash mob on damnation.
  • Soulblaze damage scales exponentially with number of stacks
  • Soulblaze stacks have separate durations

So the only way to make proper use of soulblaze, is to quickly slap multiple stacks onto a target.
This means: to make the „blaze on crit“ blessing useful, you have to crit the target multiple times (3+ times) within a short time and before killing the target with staff damage.
Surge and purgatus staff have fast hitting aoe attacks, which can crit, making the blessing potentially useful for them. However, these staffs can not get the blessing.
Voidstrike and Trauma staff have slow aoe attacks that hit once and hard. This already makes the blessing bad for them, because you simply won‘t get multiple stacks of soulblaze on a target. What makes it even worse, the trauma staff aoe can not crit in the first place. Even if the staffs wouldn’t need to crit for the blessing to proc, voidstrike would simply kill the enemies far too quickly and trauma works against itself as usual, by kncking the enemies away to all directions. (It would look like a nice firework though, so yay for that).

To make the blessing useful, it would need to apply 3 stacks or so, insetad of 1.

Alternatively (preferably) its current state (maybe 2 stacks instead of 1, when at high lvl) would be available for purgatus and surge.
Voidstrike and trauma staff should get a different version that applies 2-3 stacks on charged attack hit (any charge lvl is fine).

Imagine a less clunky trauma staff with quickly spam able uncharged secondary fire that staggers pretty much all enemies without breaking up enemy density and always puts 2 stacks of soulblaze on all enemies hit.

Stagger and killing Ogryns
i have 375 Trauma and its really good against bigger targets. But i agree on Peril, its too much

Increase its AoE, increase the overall damage and reduce damage dropoff towards the edges, reduce peril consumption, give it more range (right now you can just explode enemies within like 10m which is stupidly short) and then we can talk.
Until then, it’ll be the weakest option in an already sad lineup of staves for higher difficulties.

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I was about to make a new thread about the staff, but figured I’d bring up this one up again instead. I’ve seen the utility of staggering crowds around, but other options just outperform it even in this role, ontop of having more killing power.

Hard disagree. It’s my favourite staff for Damn. Incredible clutch potential, debatably best CC of any staff. Stops all elites in their tracks while clearing the trash around them. Also has brittleness which is fantastic utility against crushers for the whole team. Pretty much all of its range weaknesses are covered nicely by Kinetic Barrage.

I get it’s a staff not everyone is gonna like but it was buffed plenty. Infinite cleave and being armour agnostic scales incredibly well into high difficulties and high int. With clever use of terrain it can also be a trash clear monster.

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nailed it, its high risk high reward and when used well is the clutch staff, not to mention extremely satisfying to use, charge… wait as 10 angered trash roller skate in your direction winding up… then at last second before they all hit you then BOOM, blood fountains!

one of the trauma staffs i crafted can get up to 9 full charged shots off on dense hordes before overheating (remembering blessing names and traits isn’t something im good at sorry if anyone wants to know i can check my inventory later and get back to ya.).

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Yeah, it’s my staff of preference as well. It’s the staff that does a bit of everything, but still does it all well. You have some range issues but not to any absurd point and Brain Burst (especially with Kinetic Barrage as noted above) covers you pretty well there. The peril generation is only an issue if you don’t have Warp Charges as Inner Tranquility helps immensely. It has surprisingly high damage AND CC while not being picky about what enemy you use it on. Meanwhile I struggle to figure out why Voidstrike exists at all.

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Trauma doesn’t have nearly enough damage for it’s charge time and peril cost. The recent ‘fix’ that completely nerfed all non-force weapons was also a dramatic nerf to the way I used Trauma, which was to play very dynamically, mixing melee and charged staff blasts for maximum output. Now it’s a playstyle that requires far too much quelling and reduced the effectiveness and output dramatically. Not to mention removed all fun from the playstyle. Where before I could get into melee at max peril and be ready to get off another staff blast or BB after 5-10 seconds, now I have to stay on the staff and quell instead. Because if I go into melee and suddenly need to get off a staff blast or two… guess what, the peril is still way too high. Not to mention that toughness regen from passive quelling is basically gone now, so getting into melee is a lot more dangerous.

The fact that the explosion from the ground can’t circumvent Bulwark shields is also beyond stupid.

Even so it’s also my favourite staff. That’s not saying much, though. It’s just the least crap out of the Psyker staffs. I’m sure some would argue Purge is fine, but I find it incredibly boring, and it really only shines in very specific situations.

I think it works the same as grenades.
If the center of the explosion is behind the shield, the bulwark does get hit.
If the center of the explosion is in front of the shield, it gets blocked.