The renaming of weapons

Is there any specific reason why they were renamed? Did someone just feel like its more lore accurate or did Games Workshop ask for that?
If ofc a specific reason is allowed to be named that is, if not that is also an answer


they prolly wanted to keep some sort of convention ie one mark being mk3/2 and the other being higher? maybe they wanted to avoid using roman numerals that looked too similar?

i really dont think it was GW if it was GW they would have done it a lot sooner.

i never understood it, some of them are a bit silly though. the headhunter autoguns being renamed vigilant was the oddest one though, went from a name that told you what it did instantly to a confusing on.

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this one was the official statement in unlocked and loaded:

Terminology and Weapon Name Updates and Corrections

As a part of this update, we have made some updates and corrections to some existing weapons and talents. These changes were made to facilitate the Itemization overhaul and the way it categorises things. (Note: The inspect texts for some weapons might still refer to them as their old name. We’re correcting these in a hotfix.) Here is a comprehensive list (though we honestly might’ve missed a couple, so this might be updated with your help):

iirc a CM said at some point it was done to keep them aligned with the internal names in the code. I don’t remember where it was said though. Makes you wonder why they just gave them different display names to begin with


They made it easier for them to add weapons in the future by streamlining the names into grouping them into major families. They did all that without making it easier for us to sort items out.

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(The grim looking Psyker in the rear corner nods silently. You can spot a button on his sleave that reads “Purgatus forever!”)


that doesnt say anything its just corpo speak

Firstly - I don’t doubt you. I seem to remember something similar also.

That said, the change never really made sense, did it? The internal names are all of the format “abc_px_my” - which makes the new naming convention illogical. Renaming the columnus to a vraks for instance doesn’t align with any of the coded names. I don’t get it, anyway!

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i only said, this was the official statement. not if it says anything meaningful or not :nerd_face:

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The worst sin of renaming all the weapons is that the Voidblast and Voidstrike staff are so similarly named. When I was resource dumping to max mastery on all my weapons, I mistakenly bought Voidstrikes when I wanted to buy Voidblasts, and wasted a bunch of resources.

Calling it the Trauma staff was fine. It doesn’t have to make 100% sense. Things get colloquially called nicknames all the time that don’t align whatsoever with their actual function. 40k fans called lasguns flashlights since forever, Games Workshop acknowledged it by making a quip about how guardsmen who make the game joke get flogged, so it clearly happens in-universe too.

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From having spent quite some time datamining, I don’t even understand where this would work.

Like weapons are just named ‘combatsword_p1_m1’, ‘combatsword_p2_m2’…

When looking at the name, what I though initially was that they were more in line with names from the lore ? But even then certain of the changes were not really meaningful to say the least

I’ll try finding it again later because I swear that’s what was said, but I could be misremembering.
Lore reasons is unlikely imo because they didn’t bother adjusting the flavor texts. They still refer to them with the old marks/origins where it’s mentioned.