(Some) Weapon Marks no longer match their descriptions

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As of the Unlocked & Loaded update, the names of several weapon marks were changed. I am unsure why this might be, though to me it feels like change for change’s sake. In the process, the flavour description of the weapon mark (seen right under the weapon name in the top left under “Inspect”) did not change, and so now there are mismatches between the weapon mark described in the flavour text and what the weapon mark actually is. I have compiled a list of all weapons where this has occurred. My hope is that either the weapon mark gets changed back, or the text in the description is changed to match the new mark. As a disclaimer, this entire report is only cosmetic/UI related and has no impact on gameplay.
Power Sword- Achlys Mk VI- description calls it “Munitorum”.
Shock Maul- Munitorum Mk III- description calls it “Indignatus”.
Infantry Autogun- Vraks Mk V- description calls it “Columnus”.
Infantry Autogun- Columnus Mk VIII- description calls it “Graia”.
Infantry Lasgun- Kantrael Mk IX- description calls it “Kantrael MG XII”.
Infantry Lasgun- Kantrael Mk IIb- description calls it MG Mk IV.
Vigilant Autogun- Columnus Mk III- description calls it “Vraks Mk III”.
Vigilant Autogun- Graia Mk VII- description calls it “Vraks”.
(more subjective) Helbore Lasgun- Lucius MK V- references that it is an old, but updated model of the Mk I, however there are two even earlier marks we have access to- the Mk IV and MK IIIa. Also needs its “MK” changed to “Mk”.
Helbore Lasgun- Lucius MK IIIa- needs “MK” changed to “Mk”.
(more subjective) Combat Shotgun- Zarona Mk VI- no problem with description, but references Adeptus Arbites. I believe this weapon’s original name was ‘Lawbringer’, which makes more sense in that context.
Recon Lasgun- Accatran Mk XII- description calls it Mk VI.
Heavy Laspistol- Kantrael Mk X- description calls it “Kantrael MG” (should have “MG” added next to name like other laspistol mark).

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Open your inventory, select any weapon mark as listed above, select “Inspect”, then look at the top left of the screen, right under the weapon name and mark to read the description.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

This is true names of these weapons…