Restore old weapon names (now with the poll)

Please just do it, there was no good reason to change those, it only annoyed community, to no benefit.

In case there is secret naming scheme, then at least let us know, how does it works.

If old names should be restored.

  • yes, bring those back
  • no, new ones are bettee
  • donā€™t care
0 voters

Aye, the renamings here areā€¦nonsensical.

Why? What purpose is served here and how is this related to itemization?

And with stuff like these weapons it feels like itā€™s just straight up musical chairs.

Someone clearly thought this was a good idea, but I certainly canā€™t imagine why. Largely this appears to be pointless and arbitrary, resulting in lots of confusion going forward for no good reason.

Iā€™ve never heard of a game renaming weapons this way before.


Gotta agree, thats an odd change.


best thing is that weapons are still sorted A-Z by their old names

so they didnā€™t even bother to change them internally


I donā€™t hate it, but I found the old naming convention more impactful. They were arcane and hard to decipher easily, and set a more intimidating tone. Seeing my ā€œBranx Ia b Pickaxeā€ (i forget exactly) become a ā€œDelverā€™s Pickaxeā€ along with the rest felt weird and a bit out of place. Like it was a Diablo drop or somethin.

IMO all of the difficulty/drawbacks discerning weapon Marks was negated by the new easy Mark-swapping at Hadron, so meh.


Arbitrary name changes.

Max stats of items get shuffled, when upgrading them.

We get bulk filter options, but no option to filter by weapon type.

We got ā€žred weaponsā€œ, but as a skin for lvl20 mastery.

It honestly seems like someone at FS is laughing at us.


We waited nearly two years for this. What a joke.

I get that there is new stuff to grind and some more newish content with this update. But so many trivial-to-fix things are broken or regressing at the same time.

How many months did it take for them to fix the close range bug to be the proper 12.5m (shouldā€™ve been 15 still)?

I have to agree with you Mez

This update ainā€™t it, seems like a huge miss. The itemization is even more convoluted now, itā€™s extremely tedious to interact with. The renames, the weird changes, the new map is really awful (have we learned nothing from VT1?)

Iā€™m sorry, I know Iā€™m being negative even though the patch dropped a day early but I sincerely wonder what the heck were they thinking.

I hope many folks are enjoying the content, but I suspect that Rolling Steel will become completely ignored like the Twins in a few weeks.

While thereā€™s some bad stuff, being able to finally get level 4 perks and level blessings of whatever I want on my weapon, as well as max out their stats is far and above any hiccups Iā€™ve encountered so far.

But yes the name change is stupid and makes no sense in the slightest.


Given the gameā€™s apparently labyrinthian construction underneath what we see, I 100% believe that there is some technical reason that a change like this was warranted. It would not surprise me at all to learn that the names of weapons, which are normally cosmetic, are somehow linked to how theyā€™re coded into the game.

That said, yes, this changeā€™s effect on the player seems to be nothing but confusion.


Reminds me of them telling us the colour scheme of the weapon didnā€™t mean anything when the twin stubber variants came out, despite there being a consistent pattern of blue=fast, brown=heavy and green=balanced before.


Restore old rating as well. Everything is all jumbled up.

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Yeap, these renamings were a complete waste of manpower to be done, while not only make absolutely no sense, but also makes everything frustratingly confusing.
Trauma staff became voidblast, while we already have voidstrike.
Why dont we have voidzap and voidfire?
Nope, those are Electrokinetic force staff and inferno.

Kantrael numbers changed randomly, hellbore numbers increased, autoguns change their categories.

Unless there was a serious pressure from GW due to IP/lore conflicts, (which shouldnt be, as the game was created by their approval) then these changes were made just to confuse the old time players and probably hide something more nefarious.


Speaking of lore, isnā€™t Vrak an Armory Planet? One that had its stocks obliterated by a 17 year war? Why would a gun be named after it instead of the planet on which it was built? Also, it still says columnus in the flavor text lol.

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it was so fun to click on stuff in your inventory for 3 hours to unlock everything when update dropped !

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there is , you now only have to level the family the marks are freely swappable now , its a massive bonus for us

I can understand why they changed some of the names, as they didnā€™t follow the patter of
ā€˜originā€™ ā€˜MKā€™ ā€˜type1ā€™ ā€˜type2ā€™

This would explain why they changed ā€˜originā€™ and ā€˜MKā€™ for a lot of weapons.

Reading this thread my honest reaction:

Darktide players try not to be unreasonably gloomy about everything challenge.

Difficulty level impossible.


Iā€™m actually liking this so much that Iā€™m going to apply the FatShark Methodā„¢ at my work as well!

Currently changing all the server names in our VM cluster, after that Iā€™m going to change all policy names in the firewall.

Thank you FatShark!

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Thats exactly the stuff that impresses me about game devs, its not easy making games!

I know fatshark might be a bit unorganised at times (to put it politely), theyve crafted another gem and will continue to polish it for quite some time I think.