The power sword is so badass

If you play a melee focused class maybe. But when i play a range focused class, that has ZERO melee buffing class mechanics. Then the last i want to be dealing with are special attack pattern combos on my melee weapon.

Zealots who master the Evis may look at other melee weapons and think they are numb to play. But other classes do not depend on staying in melee range to enemies all time.
Just because one class plays the violin while on melee, does not mean that the other class has to do the same, when they are focused on playing it on range combat.

Darktide was advertised as a Horde shooter. And it is already to melee focused. If i wanted to play another Vermintide, i would play Vermintide. Most of the time you can not even use the range weapon, because you get swarmed by melee trash mob zombies in your back that run faster then the player can.
That means you need a melee weapon, that can deal with them fast and easy. Dead is dead. If you want me to tipe in the Mortal Combat Brutallity command every time i have to deal with melee trash, then you misunderstand the way i see the melee fight on range classes.

The Evis is THE main class weapon on the Zealot. And the fact that you have to play it’s attack pattern in a special way to make it function the right way is nice if you are that type of player.
For a casual Zealot player it is a burden and way to complicated. And even for people who want to play it that way, there are times where lags and input delays just make the Evis look bad.

Just let people have fun with their weapon of choice. Don’t look at them and demand that they have to brake their joints while playing it.


AAAAAAAAAAAaanyways, yeah, the powersword is pretty good, and i see why a lot of people enjoy using it.

Its a bit to lacking in mobility for my playstyle though.


Darktide was advertised as a Horde shooter

No, it wasn’t advertised as a shooter. It was advertised as a hybrid combat game.

Just let people have fun with their weapon of choice. Don’t look at them and demand that they have to brake their joints while playing it.

What do you mean by their/they? Some people actually play all 4 classes. It’s not like i play only zealot and throw my opinion on PS.

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Same names come up all the time whining.
At some point one has to think that they really do not enjoy the game… so why are they still playing it? Especially when their opinions are well into the minority.

With a wide variety of weapons, they cannot all be winners for every person. It is ok to let other people enjoy things. You do not need to crap on them for it. “I am not crapping on them, I am saying X Y Z weapon is not good”. Yep, and they use it so therefore. . . Seriously, unplug and go pet a dog or drink some OJ. Chocolate oat milk is awesome… Anything other than whine whine whine all day on these forums… FML.

I do too. Right now i even play my Psyker with more joy than my Vet, who was my first class for a long time. It’s just that you get the old song of ‘‘oh nerf this weapon’’ in every tread that slightly steps on the field of the power sword. And that song is played over and over by a special kind of player who plays one special class more then the other 3.

See, there have been people who demanded nerfs on the power sword so desperate, that FS gave in to that demands 2 times.
Then others who liked it the way it was, looked on the favorite weapon of said other class and demanded nerfs on the flamer, as some kind of revenge.

And now look at the last thing Catfish revealed about the next thing to come. A rework of Power Sword and Flamer.
Congratulations to those who called for nerfs! Now both sides will get their will.
Like 2 people that have to share one wonder lamp and each of them wishes that the other one shall get no wish from the Genie.

Cool story. Look at V2 with its Deathwish+Onslaught contest, such things keep games alive, i’m also pretty sure big part of modding community are “elitists”, yeah, same arrogant people who coloborate with devs for a big weapon balance update for V2. When there is nothing to master in game, it’s just worse for games lifespan.

You do understand, that devs also got ingame metrics? They can see pure numbers, for exmaple something like “it is 99% winrate on t5 with flamer and 50% without”. It’s not happening just and only because of feedback.

Then others who liked it the way it was, looked on the favorite weapon of said other class and demanded nerfs on the flamer, as some kind of revenge.

It wasn’t a revange, it msotly was the same people who asked about both, it’s also same people who asked about buffs and giving their ideas. The fact about “elitists” is, that less skill issue there involved, the better you can see balance problems.

I think this is not connected to each other rly.
The zealot flamer is just ridiculous.

While the PS is strong, at least it has a bunch of heavy drawbacks, like how bad it performs under pressure and how much evasive movement it requires compared to other weapons.

The Zealot’s flamer meanwhile, just causes zealots to not even pull out their melee weapon and kill entire hordes+elites and even crushers (due to bugged interaction with ult).
All that without having to move at all, and without the many drawbacks of the Psyker’s flamer, that make it balanced.

So i think that calls for nerfs to the Zealot’s flamer are completely justified.

Would be funny if the “rework” of the powersword would make it better than it is now. :smiley:

The problem is not calling for nerfs (that are totally needed in a game) but we need a balance on weapons.
What FS did, by example, on laspitol worked great. We see people now using it in damnation (and I have seen one this morning that played really great with it).
Off course, what we see the most used remain boltgun, flamer, power sword, combat axe, agri brassed.
So, if a weapon is really above all others, there’s a problem. If a weapon is really weaker than others, there’s also a problem. And if a weapon is bugged… that’s also a problem

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Ignore the toxic members of this community.

Power swords are a gift from the Emperor and your joy at slaying demons and heretics is pure and holy!


if it was a demand I would write “must”, not “should”. Don’t you worry, Fatshark purposefully made the game more accessible than Vermintide franchise. They like the cosmetic money too much.

There are multiple weapons which prevent you as a newcomer from learning the melee combat mechanics. Power sword is one of them. It isn’t toxic or elitist to point it out, its factual.

I have seen a couple of newcomers who got themselves pigeonholed so much on vet with PS, that they struggle with other melee weapons, even on melee focused classes. No wonder, for them stamina managment, dodge counter, push attacks and attack combos are novel concepts.

There are multiple melee weapons across all 4 classes which are clearly over-tuned. They provide too much cleave and dps. Instead of fairly all around weapons we have a couple of those which just trivialise horde clearing and do everything else extremely badly. The same applies to multiple ranged weapons. Welcome to early beta :man_shrugging:

Then problem is the elitist wannabe special part of playerbase. Some people see multiplayer games as some kind of competition.
This is no competitive E Sports game. So every time i see someone demanding things to be harder and harder, i just have to shake my head and wonder.

I play games for fun. And people who like to play those ridiculous complicated Super Mario maps, should not demand others to have to play and like them the same way, if they only want to play the normal game.

Most of the Darktide melee weapons are to weak. That’s because they have to balance them all around ONE class that is packed with melee ability buffs. And range weapons have to be balanced around the class with the range class buffs.
So if some of them ‘‘feel’’ to strong, than we should first find out, why a sharp sword or a bullet to the head should NOT feel strong.

If the skill level that is needed to make all the weapons usable in the first place is to high, then you soon end up with a game that only a small minority of elitist self proclaimed professionals can enjoy. And sooner or later they will ditch the game for another challenge. But the dmg they done to this game will last, because they called for nerfs to balance the fun out of it so desperate.


Are you one of any of those people you mentioned, or are you just trying to ride their vibe? You think crapping on someone and telling them to play like you (Almost all of your comments) is better for the game’s lifespan?
Are you ok?


So, because this weapon is useful without passing a grade that you have developed yourself, you need to dictate how others play?

ROFL. OR… and try to stay with me here.
It is a team game where everyone has a role to play.
Cookie cutter basic, the sharpshooter is going to handle the long range threats. They need a melee weapon to down anything that gets near them fast so they can get back to pulling triggers.
Your Zealots are going to be up there with your ogryns in the thick of things. They are your crowd management. They draw attention and have the skills baked into their feats and weapons to be in the fray.
Psykers are your swiss army knife. They can fill any other role in a pinch, and support any role that might need a bit of help.

It is almost like they designed a game to have a wide tool set, so you can bring the tool for the role you want to fill.

Here you are talking like you only want one melee weapon and one ranged weapon. Then also telling people they have no skills, and you are definitely not being elitist… JFC.

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I have played over 200 hours of Darktide as a Zealot Preacher since launch and only started to use the dodge last week.

All those mechanics are entirely optional and do not affect how much fun I have playing Darktide in any way.

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The game has identity built around the melee centric gameplay. Like two games before it. Gameplay which isn’t about pressing one button or pure dps numbers being able to overwhelm everything on the screen. You might not care about maintaining that identity, some of us do.

I play also for the fun…
But I understand that the fun of several players is to succeed to complete a really difficult challenge.
I must admit that playing in damnation, even if I have to make progresses in this difficulty, is really better than playing malice…

That’s clearly not my feeling. As a veteran, I feel the power of the PS, that is above lot of weapons, at least that’s my opinion.
I tend to think that melee weapons are well balanced. The only 3 above everything else, and sort by their power, are PS, Force sword, Combat axe.
But,I think that the PS is too strong, not cause of the weapon itself but cause veteran got best ranged weapons, buff for them and the strongest melee weapon. That’s the reason why I think that this weapon is really too powerful.
However, FS has more to do in term of balancing, toward the ranged weapons than melee weapons.

On this I agree… Evis is clearly not for me and I will never use that… and the worst is that I have a great eviscerator. But, for me, it looks the worst weapon of the game.
I can’t say that attack pattern is great when you have to not use the attack pattern. Mixing push, heavy and light is clearly not the attack pattern.
I understand that there are players of VT2 and that they want to push to what they know… but hey… I have VT2… and played it 21 hours (Darktide I played it 955 hours). So, you can guess how I have appreciated VT2.

You guys really need to get over the fact that this is not VT2 with a scene change…
It is getting sad and old.
You know what is VT2? VT2.

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Are you one of any of those people you mentioned

Should i be so my “elitist” opinion will matter for you? My point is that “don’t listen tryhardes, they will ruin the game” isn’t true and i gave some examples why. It’s even more, i actually want to hear opinion of those who are better than me, like a true gigachad gamers. And in case of V2 big weapon balance i claim benefits from “elitists” actions. So i’m advocating for tryharders.

I think i can say that i’m a tide games fan and vet, i played both Vermintide games for near 2 000 hours in summary, including different modifiers like cata deeds, cata fow, cata twitch on chaos wastes etc. And it’s partialy so because combat there is more nuanced. It’s not a flex, it’s just means i played content Fatshark made for previous game, so I share my vision and expirience. Opinion is subjective you can deslike it. Instead you just atacking some takes out of context.

Am i on j_sat lelvel? Hell no, lol. Are my knowledges about mechanics and ingame numbers near @alsozara’s, not even close. But i’m not gonna hystericaly screaching “rrreeee u mad?” because someone more expirienced giving their opinon, i also not gonna cry if there will be difficulties i can’t git gut through no matter what.

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If the alternative is “I want to continue pressing one button for everything on my screen to die” depth of gameplay, it isn’t me here who is sad. So jog on.

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Yes. Because you are trying to strut around with your elbows out and chest puffed up, telling people how to enjoy something. You cite these people as influencial in the course correction of a game, but you are not them. You are just tryharding to be them.

Putting hours into a game is something you chose to do. FS does not owe you anything for that, and neither does anyone else. It does not make your wish for DT to be VT2 more valid. It does not mean you ‘know better’. It certainly does not mean you can tell people how to enjoy the game. If you do not enjoy the game, then there is a super simple solution for you. Tagging people is weak stuff kiddo…

No one is mad that you try to pull a heavy on people and anything less than purity and maximum difficulty is cheating or boring to you. Don’t confuse this for being mad at your actions… I am just laughing at how you cite and name drop people who actually have stroke, then try to justify your actions because of them. It is cute.

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