I know there’s been many a topic about this, and I’ve seen a good few solutions already posited here and there that I enjoy the concepts of, but I had a thought about Ogryns ‘Lucky Bullet’ Keystone that I think might be fun, and with Ogryns in ‘the absolute state’ they are in, I felt it as good a time as any to throw it up!
The main thought behind it came to me due to me gaining more of a respect for Survivelist thanks to Havoc (and realizing that while I love me my upgraded Frag grenade, it doesn’t need to be upgraded ALL the time, especially if I can fire more bullet). I was thinking how sad it was that gun lugger Ogryn is basically just a massive team tax, and basically has to have a Survivelist Vet + like every red ammo bag given to them to function, and how bad that feels. I was thinking it all through, trying to be like ‘well it would be cool if Ogryns just had Survivelist, but Vet’s already have that, and if we don’t just go with a previously proposed solution and give that passive to everybody, what can an Ogryn do that would be at least somewhat unique while still making gun lugger Ogryn viable/not overy tax the team…’
And my mind centered on this, after a few iterations:
Keep Lucky Bullet’s base functionality, maybe bake the 12% node into the main node (depending on how one feels with the rest of the changes), leave it as is, keep the other two nodes that proc off of triggering lucky bullet the same as well, though make them mutually exclusive (you will see why in a moment).
Make a new passive for lucky bullet as well, creating a 5-10% chance (value subject to change/testing) on kill to proc/store a ‘lucky bullet’. This can be proc’d by any kill (melee or range), and can stack up to the number of bullets held within your ranged weapons magazine (or some default number like 25 or something, just wanted to make it dynamic so it wouldn’t utterly break the f out of stuff like the rumbler/kickback with infinite shooting like that one bug allowed, but still actually give value to daka daka weapons).
Possible new ‘final upgrade’ node, making specialists and Elite kills always proc a stored lucky bullet.
I think this would still be ‘unique’ enough to be considered Ogryns thing, while basically functioning like ‘super survivalist’, allowing the Ogryn to always have a way to get back to having bullets, even when bullets are scarce. This would also actually play into the reaper fantasy, allowing an Ogryn to just ‘full daka’ a wave of pox walkers while not feeling like they are just completely wasting bullets, allowing their suppression aura to make that much more sense as they just fire, and fire, and fire into a wave.
I feel making it a chance on kill verses guaranteed outside of special units helps keep it ‘balanced’ and allows for one to still feel like meleeing targets is a necessity, but it lets the ‘reaper’ playstyle actually breath, instead of just being something an Ogryn just decides to do for fun when he’s got one survivalist vet, himself and two Psykers on his team.