Kickback/Rumbler Lucky Bullet Idea

Hi, everyone! I was just thinking to myself about how the Lucky Bullet Keystone’s a little bit wonky on Kickback/Rumbler and… I got an idea on how to fix that!

Lucky Bullet should load the additional rounds into the Kickback’s/Rumbler’s ammo reserves instead of immediately loading them into the weapon without even a reload animation. At the moment, Lucky Bullet procs so harshly and unpredictably with these weapons that the player basically gets whiplash whenever it actually happens. I believe that this is due to how jarring the sudden lack of a reload animation between two shots actually is in the middle of a firefight.


ogryns arem’t real


But why not? :pleading_face:


Why not both?

+1 doubleshot, +% reserve.

It’d also be cool if instead of firing two shots in series, it fired two in parallel similar to Vet’s “Twinned Blast” talent. I.E. simultaneous with like 5 degrees of separation.


That’s actually… kinda brilliant. I like that a lot.


Ogryns are just a story Nurgle tells his grandkids to help them sleep at night.


I’ll just pull up my usual suggestion for BLO threads.

Create an alternate final node for BLO (mutually exclusive to MBLO) that generates a guaranteed lucky bullet proc on a cooldown, what the appropriate cooldown timer should be it’s hard to say. I dunno maybe like 10 seconds, maybe that’d be too good hard to say without actually playing with it.

Being able to shoot twice without reloading is theoretically very powerful for Kickback and Rumbler but as you’ve pointed out the current version is jarring and impossible to play around. Having a guaranteed proc on a cooldown fixes that and would feel pretty great for those guns. Might be too good for the ammo economy of kickback admittedly but you give up a heap going for right tree so I think it’d be pretty fair?


Rock likes you!

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So bounty hunter Salty essentially? Works for me.


I mean yeah more or less. Was my favourite VT2 class and it’s a proven concept, why reinvent the wheel :person_shrugging:

I will say though it’d still have very mediocre synergy with maximum firepower and good shooting.

If maximum firepower was changed to +100% cooldown regen rate for like 5 seconds instead it’d all gel better together but I’m not experienced enough with BLO builds to know how that’d affect other setups. Ogryn weapons don’t have the crit damage generally for good shootin to be desirable outside of charmed reload synergy it seems to me (maybe on kickback it’d help with some breakpoints?).

Then again I guess getting 4 seconds shaved off your Ult every 10 seconds is numerically similar to my above suggestion I think it would just kinda feel worse.

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I think the keystone just needs a redesign, it’s just wholly uninteresting even on the few weps that it is actually good on. I would’ve said it should somehow work with ranged weapon special attacks to encourage ogryns to swing their guns at stuff, but we just got a gun that doesn’t have that so it wouldn’t really work I guess.


Batter applies to Rumbler’s Special, it’s absolutely heavenly.

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