I love the Ogryn heavy gunner but after playing it a bunch in both damnation and auric damnation I think it needs some touching up.
Burst Limiter Override - % chance to proc feels fine with ROF weapons like the heavy stubber, feels like trash with smaller magazine weapons. Suggest that it should scale inversely with magazine size, maybe up to 15% with single shot weapons.
Maximum Firepower - Feels fine, no change needed
Good Shootin - Suggest replacing auto crit with power increase. When I think of the image of an ogryn heavy gunner, I’m thinking of CC, fire suppressing, and gibbing hordes of baddies with mass fire weapons. Power will still increase damage but helps with stagger and penetration.
More Burst Limiter Override - Having to spend a separate point for a piddly increase to the chance to proc feels bad, and hardly does anything to improve the impact of this tree. 8% should be the base rate of the core talent, and this should be something else. It would be nice to have some surviability folded into the gunner, because as it stands Feel No Pain does way more for the gunner than the magic bullet tree. Perhaps something like 100% toughness regen for 2 seconds on proc?
Overall this is a disappointing end to the heavy gunner tree. I feel like the end of the tree should focus on giving the Ogryn better sustain, so I would favor an approach that procs more with more moderate effects (i.e. double proc chance but half the rider effects).
Even on the weapons with faster rate of fire, the effect gives way to little overall. Increasing the chance and a further increase, as you’ve stated, base on magazine size would be helpful for the single shot weaponry that the Ogryn have.
A power or damage increase would be good. Giving it a duration and just not on the shot that triggered Lucky Bullet would be preferable aswell.
As you’ve stated, this modification of the Keystone could’ve been used to give the Gunlugger more survivability against ranged threats at least. Instead of a pitiful increase in chance to gain Lucky Bullet.
I’d also like an improvement in Loyal Protector and Box of Hurt.
I definitely feel this keystone is lackluster, perhaps the proc would instead allow to get a net positive gain of ammo on trigger (as in receiving a bit more than what was spent)
Even with (very situational) Achlys stubber and its ammo reserves, Lucky bullet barely has any effect at all. If you empty the entire magazine, it might get you a dozen of extra shots on average, which adds up to about 1/3rd of a magazine “extra” bullets for spending ALL your ammo reserves.
It’s incredibly low and not impactful even in the “best case” situation. For all other weapons (with much smaller ammo reserves) it’s proportionally worse. With a Kickback it’s entirely possible for you to go through entire mission and never trigger it once.
Just had another potential idea: How about gaining stacks of some new effect with melee kills that either replenish your ammo on a percentage base, or make the next X% of shots free?
Free shots runs into issues with single fire weapons.
I don’t feel like emphasizing melee combat is a good direction for the heavy gunner. I would rather see the tree emphasize the role as big AOE damage and CC / fire suppression.