The God-Emperor needs you!


It looks good, but the Death Korps don’t really recruit. Their “recruits” may or may not be artificially grown and bolstered. They literally popped out of the ground.


Man, you reminded me of this scene from LOTR.

I may have missed this but is the Imperium actually growing humans instead of making them “the old fashioned way” like Barbarians?


Most humans are born normally… but the Kriegers are (allegedly) grown in vats.


The stalwart sons of Krieg require not the honeyed words of propaganda to gird their loins for battle. Born amidst the ash and sirens, they march from the cradle straight to the trenches, their lullabies the roar of artillery and their pacifiers the butts of their rifles. In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war, and the Kriegers are ever eager to embrace their birthright on the front lines!


One of the book confirmed it


Yeah, the book confirms it. In universe, it’s still a bit of a rumour, but one that is tolerated because the Imperium is still getting its tithes.


In any case, I don’t condone AI art, and it doesn’t really look like a Krieger

Yeah, the uniform and gas mask are off, and it spelled “Imperal” but the Hive City looks awesome.

Personally I think AI art is really cool, without it as a medium I never would of been able to share this imagination I had.


AI is a great powertool. For numerous reasons.

When it comes to AI art, I’ll usually conceptualize what I want in an image gen, combining stock photos with written prompt to get the result I want, Then, I’ll trace the details on tablet and recolor it myself so I can at least learn the techniques involved. Here’s a few examples of a few pieces I did.

My problem is that I forget to do some things, so in this one you have a very thin line for a nostril instead of a blurred in shadow, same with the lip line. But I think I got the depth perception effect down pretty well

This third one, I just traced a still from AC6 and completely changed the environment/lighting.

(these were done on a Samsung tab 7)

I like what you did with yours though! It’s really cool that you were able to get almost completely accurate wording. I had some difficulty picking up on AI artifacts. What did you use in your prompt?


What is written there? Maybe an officer could read it to me. As, soon as you’re old enough you’re sent to join the regiment. Colonel Stagler don’t approve of educated men, says it was educated men that got Krieg bombed to sh!t in the first place. The colonel says that all a man needs to do is fight and die. That’s the Krieg way.

It’s still a mistery how exactly the death korps replenishes…

We know they use vitae wombs and that this is considered heritcal - yet the inquisition allows it because millions of willing and competent cannon fodder are to great an asset to through away.

Vat grown clones of colonel Jurten are one possible explanation of vitae wombs, as is implied in the novel Krieg by Steve Lyons - but it also could mean something different - like birthing servitors for example. Or it could be vats but still requiring DNA from two human beings.

Also we don’t know if all inhabitants of Krieg are the result of vitae wombs or if they are just used to supplement convential birthing.


I said allegedly :pleading_face:



My profile image is a real-life photo of me with some manual photo and AI editing.

My head is placed on the “Lady” Dorian Harvex chest piece which Quorin has on ingame. A Shadowrun Returns wallpaper serves as the background.

The only one gripe I have with this particular photo of myself is that I lost my real-life boyish features because the AI “manlied” me up a little too much.

However, Quorin is supposed to be a self-insert, thus it’s reasonable that he would appear a little rough given that he has seen some real kark down there on Atoma.



lmao, like you got a choice as a human.

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Civilian: “I’m a conscientious objector.”

Commissar: hands over a lasgun “Understood. Conscientiously object from the front line, soldier.”

Which book may I ask? I’ve been out of the BL loop for quite a while and they’ve done quite a bit over the last few years I’m unaware of. I’ve got every Imperial Armor Vraks (back from 4th/5th editions), and while they allude to a “Vitae Womb” in there, they don’t also imply that it’s the primary or sole resource of Krieg troops in there.

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I mean. I guess you can’t really enlist then. You’re just born to serve.

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In the novel Krieg it is heavily suggested - but not „confirmed“.
I know no more recent source.

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This is what we in the Guard refer to as a “skill issue”

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