At least I’m not the only one who is frustrated with this nonsense.
Somebody said this early in the discussion after I joined and by now I have to agree.
This whole removing the scoreboard nonsense is some kind SJW bull.
You know, SJWs the bullies who claim to be anti-bullies.
Kinda like antifa is claiming to be anti-fascist.
I always mostly joined random games in vermintide.
The way the anti-scoreboard people describe how the perfect game should be is how vermintide 2 has always been for me.
There were no problems with cooperation.
Because it’s very important if you’re playing cataclysm twitch and deeds and whatnot.
Occasionally there might have been somebody who played really selfish.
But very rarely.
I think the anti-scoreboard people are actually the toxic ones who shid talk in the chat because they think they know better and then they can’t back it up with a good score.
So, they look stupid.
But to get a negative spin on this they call the actual good players “green circle chasers”.
That’s increasingly the case in society where engagement is confused with the abuse of power or some kind of negative trait.
That’s why everyone gets a trophy now and we don’t count the goals.
Just like we don’t want a scoreboard anymore.
And if you don’t want a scoreboard and you didn’t regularly play cataclysm twitch and stuff like that then, sorry, you just don’t know what you’re talking about.
Of course the scoreboard is less useful on champion.
The higher the difficulty the more valuable the scoreboard.
Because the higher the difficulty the bigger the differences in performance.
And if you play the game long enough the scoreboard becomes the endgame if you believe it or not.
I’m pretty sure most people who play the hard shid will agree.
You’re describing a state of community I have never seen in vermintide.
But then again maybe I have never played with you guys.
I would be perfectly fine with the scoreboard only being implemented for the highest 2 difficulties if this makes any difference to the anti-scoreboards.
But there has to be something you can focus on if you have all your gear.
What are you gonna focus on then?
Where is the longevity of the game coming from?
Evey new map they release will be old at some point.
I reached level 30 with my ogryn and have all orange gear at this point.
And it’s already starting to become boring.
Like what am I gonna do now?
Just play one mission after the other, I guess.
Or make a new character.
What if I have all 4 on level 30 with orange gear?
What am I gonna focus on to get any kind of sense of progression?
I can’t even really test different weapons apart from the meat grinder.
Playing a few games with every ranged weapon and comparing the average damage would be an idea.
Nope, can’t do it.
Well I could try to get better gear than what I have, that I then also can’t benchmark in a scoreboard.
I’m gonna play an entirely different game, I guess.
That’s how it’s gonna be for many people.