Almost every pro-scoreboard guy rolls into this discussion and immediately gets immediately irate and claims the people who want to take away scoreboards are using ad hominem then uses ad hominem constantly as they actively taunt everyone who doesn’t want a scoreboard. It’s a game man, relax, I’m sure we all “look stupid” and your scores are always higher than mine. If your self-esteem is good now, perhaps we can have a respectful discussion.
While I don’t appreciate all the attitude over a simple game mechanic, I think in your case we do want the same thing: a useful metric that provides feedback on performance, and it doesn’t have to be perfect. There are a few key differences I’ve already gone over that I think we might be able to agree would make a better scoreboard.
Yes, even on Cata, Twitch Cata, or Twitch Deeds in VT2, I’ve still run into players who selfishly seek to grab kills and supplies at the expense of the team and use the score to justify themselves; especially when we lose. If you never have issues with players like this, I envy you but I also question if it’s not you that’s doing that stuff and then saying it never happens. Luckily, now I’ve got a group of friends that play VT2 and I don’t have to deal with random players who struggle not to play selfishly.
Well, the VT2 scoreboard definitely didn’t do a good job of that. A post-game stats page could for the team without any highlights or scoring gives you feedback.
Rather than highlights, I’d like a scoring system that places emphasis on cooperation.
I want a see a lot more metrics than kills, damage, saves, and revives. Things like stagger, how many times downed, the value team buffs (in terms of how much extra damage the team did to enemies or had mitigated due to my buffs), damage avoided by dodging/blocking, etc.
no highlighting who got the most of anything since, instead for competitive purposes, it is better to use a ‘total score’ that weighs cooperative actions more highly, that way competitive players seeking a higher score prioritize team play.
Here are some measurable cooperative actions that could factor into the ‘total score’: tagging ammo when a teammate is low, tagging specials, using the ammo/healing crates to good effect by tracking the amount of ammo and healing used by the team, reviving/saving team members, staying in coherency while many enemies are present.
Anti-cooperative things that can be a negative for ‘total score’: going down, taking health damage, taking ammo / using health station when a nearby ally is low and you’re close to full, leaving coherency for a long time while far ahead of the entire team.
It’s not perfect but I think tracking more stats is better. Scoring has to penalize people who abuse resources, get downed a lot, run ahead, and scoring has to reward players who help the team.