The current state of Darktide since Jan 1 (39%, mostly negative). Jan 17 edition

What you say is true, but it also doesn’t forgive the situation that led to this point. It’s good that they are saying something, but it doesn’t really change that they are telling us nothing. Consider why they’re telling us nothing. They don’t have anything to say. But why don’t they have anything to say? Because they “released” a buggy, incomplete game literally just before the holidays and left things for over a month and are just now talking about it? Only realising that the feedback which has in general remained the same since November last year might be actually saying something? The only thing that happened in that month of holidays was the polarising at best cosmetic store rotating in a new set of cosmetics?

While yes, it’s good they are saying something, you should be able to understand why people are not happy about being told nothing.


If I was CEO, I’d be afraid to come into work at this point incase theres a pink-slip in my inbox. and honestly thats kinda sad, I feel for the guy.

But how do you mess up this bad, it was clear in mid december people overall were not happy, wasnt that the time to fight fires and announce that youre going to fix things?

The game was mishandeled, the launch was mishandeled, the response was mishandled. Warhammer player don’t like RNG, there’s tables of probabilities for every codex entry, mathhammer is a thing.

I don’t even know how you come back from 39%… Thats so destructive, thats dawn of war 3 lvls.


It’s always the bottom level people that get fired for leadership incompetence.


OP is looking at recent reviews. The overall review score is actually 58%, which I believe is about 12% below the mostly positive rating. DoW 3’s overall is 48% which is 22% below the mostly positive rating.

Darktide has 50,000 reviews total so to get back into the mostly positive territory it would need a rough ballpark of 6000 more positive reviews and zero more negative reviews.

That’s not going to happen as no game gets just positive, but perhaps they could create a DLC expansion that is as popular with the player base as Immortal Empires was for Warhammer 3. Immortal Empires got 80% positive reviews, so in Darktide’s case it would need something like 8,000 more reviews of which 2,000 are negative and 6,000 positive to get back to mostly positive. Even 70% positive or 60% positive on the DLC could do it if enough people play.

It’s not impossible, and honestly, for a competent game developer who can make a kick ass expansion with tons of hype it probably wouldn’t even be that hard:

An Orks or genestealer cultists expansion

A Chaos wastes like procedural level system in a space hulk or a hive

A versus mode like the one that was planned for VT2

A new kickass compelling campaign story that people get invested in.

But my faith that Fatshark can pull this off is pretty much rock bottom. Sigh.

Maybe they can impress with this apparently coming update this week and can start rebuilding confidence in them. Guess we will see.

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Warhammer players don’t like RNG, instead they use a tool to make calculations and better understand the RNG? I’m confused about what you’re trying to say here.

The 39% mostly negative, as stated, is from the 1st of January until the 17th of January.

Recent reviews (last 30 days) sits at 43%. It’s been on a slow decline since launch.

The number of reviews coming in is also much smaller which is why the overall review score has barely budged in the last 2 weeks.

I’m not sure the 30 day review score is that important tbh because it only takes the passage of time and a few game updates to jack it back up to mostly positive.

It’s the overall review score that is much more difficult to change.

I agree with you on that. I just responded with a correction of the basis for that part of your post.

Warhammer players spend a lot of effort and maths crunching to minimise RNG/maximise results despite RNG.

We can’t do any of that in this game for any of the layers of RNG outside a mission:
Mission selection (Difficulty, mission, secondary and condition all random)
Getting the item type (no crafting, time gated RNG)
Base stat rating (can’t improve)
Base stat distribution (can’t pick)
Perks and perk tier (have to reroll who knows how long at the cost of locking in the other perk)
Blessings and blessings tier (Open soon™)

I hope you can see how some of the systems in Darktide is antithetical to some Warhammer players.

Thank you for the explanation. :+1:

Not even a single apology after breaking the promise of deliver the rest of the crafting in dec. Not a single post of what we can expect. Never thought that this company could be worse than the Mortal Online 2 company but here we are. No wonder sweden is one of the most popular countries to work in when you can literally give a sh*t about your work or your responsibility.


this’s just another Fatshark’s unfinished game
it’s not be surprise cus’ they leave the game while bunch of things are broken

Fatshark calling their people “sharks” and calling us player “rejects” is really starting to sound like an inside swedish joke…


Overall reviews are also heavily skewed by the beta reviews, without the beta reviews the overall percentage would crater down to recent review levels.


You should go from release date. Still mostly negative though.

Recent reviews at 42% still showing as mixed.

When I posted earlier today recent was at 43%. We’re getting there…

no they build lists to combat RNG, so if a bolter scores a kill 33% of the time, they take 3/4 bolters to counter act the rng.

But made thats the misunderstanding xD, But warhammer doesnt have rng profiles for weapons tbf.

Sharks eat whales…

I personally go by what the reviews are usually after a month the game has been released / recent when I look at games.

The fact this game includes BETA reviews means Fatshark knowingly scammed us. The fact Steam allows that is even worst.

Anyway, Fatshark been scamming us pretty good with this game so far. Heck, the fact we getting a CM near 2 months post soft launch is actually hilarious.

Also at the moment, V2 has more people in it than DT. Not by a lot but its still pretty insane to me.