The Crafting Memorial; lest we forget

Nothing new here from anything we learned from the Itemization blog, except a couple of quotes from higher management that don’t share anything new.

Hopefully it doesn’t take too long to hear something new on the crafting front, especially since we’re not getting anything on that next week. :pensive:


Increasing step by step.

Near perfect weapon in screenshot. Showing last hurdle of couple hundred plasteel required.

Yea total - Won’t be hundreds, talking thousands of plasteel if not perfect weapon. Hundreds would be too easy and I’m cynical.

Current system - A good T5 run can net 800 plasteel. It takes at least around 20 missions for enough to get ideal weapon. 16,000 Plasteel and best case 6-7 hours mission time + 1-2hr rerolling. That’s being optimistic and plentiful dockets. Lets say 10hrs.

Reality is probably more harsh with other factors. If you got a 1000hrs playtime, do you really have 100 ideal weapons if you include match making time, loading time, menus etc.

Lets see how the expertise compares to that. Might even just work at the same in “time” :smiley:


Hit 1 MILLION Plasteel



Maybe that’s not entirely true, we learn how they plan to implement our current progress into this system. It sounds like having every level of a blessing will matter, so that’s very dumb imo.

Additionally, depending on how many blessings a weapon has and how much exp you get for having the blessings, it seems likely you won’t be able to unlock all t4 blessings off the bat and probably not even t4 perks off the bat.


My favourite parts:

“A particular bone of contention among the community has been “locks”.”

“If it’s locked with the suboptimal qualities still on it, it can feel like a waste of the invested resources.”

"Even as a longtime fan of the studio’s games, I’d be quick to admit that item progression design has always been its most obvious weakness. Anyone who’s opened as many disappointing Vermintide 2 loot crates as me will find it difficult to have complete confidence in Fatshark here. The fact that randomness remains a factor (weapons will still have pre-rolled maximum stats, limiting their potential), even if a diminished one, puts me a little on edge. "


Unfortunately that was the same weapon screenshot in the itemization dev blog.


All those trash T1/T2 blessings ignored. Now have become useful for another purpose.

You won’t get them in T5 missions rewards consistently. It’s daily check armory to buy blues or actually lower tier T4 missions because you already collected T3/T4 ones.

I guess they want us to play T4 missions more.

“Gotta catch em all”


I was definitely pleasantly suprised to see the author (deservedly) rag on FS at the end of the article, especially since it seems like PC Gamer has a pretty close relationship with FS.

Hopefully he also told them that having weapons with randomized max stats in the new system is also trash.


I’ve already been doing this for completionist reasons.


This is going to bug me for a while. Has something been added to the game to allow long range revive?

I was definitely very far away from team mates and I was down.

Something instant revived me without delay - I don’t know what…

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I don’t know about the fastness of it, there’s curios and perks to increase revive speed maybe? Someone went invis and did it :stuck_out_tongue:

In VT2 you could start the revive process, then use your ability to charge and continue reviving them while you moved away.


Breathe thread! Breaaaathe!


Hyper Ventilates in anticipation. XD

On a serious note, I am just waiting to find out more about the system we are getting. Not really much to talk about until we get more.


The inventory buildup of trash weapons as future salvage is insane now. I can’t imagine long my scrollbar is going to be in a few months, unless there is hard limit.

I mean would been better to let us have access to salvage first and convert it all. Your first day when update comes, whole day will be dedicated to admin cleanup.

I recently decided to scan my steam library and re-install Total War Shogun 2 Fall of the Samurai. Then also the first 2 Metro first person shooter games. Then Hitman Absolution.

I simply forgot these really old games which have labour of love into it. Scanning your steam library, there are some that just stand out and hold up well to today.


Personally, this is my approach. Just play other games until the update comes. Don’t want to waste my time. I have so many games on my “to play” list.


Hard same lately. Ironically it’s been DRG and Sea of Thieves which have now wrangled my time.

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I think it’s a talent from Veterans’ class if im not mistaken.




What faction are you going to play as?


Saga clan. Make friends with the West, Gunnery buff, get some juicy cannons and be on the side of the imperial.

  • Men screaming and rolling on the ground in pain dying
  • Boom of gunfire, amazing realistic thin smoke, fire and weather effects
  • Marching and horse gallop sounds
  • Echo audio across the field based on your camera viewing from distance gunfire
  • You can dismount your men from horses and they scatter all over the place
  • Massive explosion impact marks left behind on terrain

The reload animations of gun units looks like they’re all jerking off…

I forgot you could separate your armies as much as you wanted in this game on campaign map - Micro management nightmare but at least map is small.

Very rare to see passion like this put into a game.


This is one of my favorite parts about base game Shogun as well, and something that’s very sadly been lost in more modern TW games. In melee combat, often when a person goes down they’re not dead on the spot. In Shogun 2, after a melee ends and the units move on the ground is practically writhing with the dead and dying.

Just that small addition makes the game feel far more mature and less arcadey. It’s just as good when a unit takes a full volley of firearms and 20 men go down squirming.

The first Naval Bombardment I did on the battle map had my jaw drop. For all the reasons you mentioned above, if I remember anything about Shogun 2 FotS it will be that.

TW Warhammer has some moments that come close but unfortunately does not capture that level of destruction in such a visceral way.

I am actually a really big fan of this mechanic: it encourages natural supply lines to form between your recruitment centers and your armies, and means that if you fully lose a unit in a battle you dont have to walk all the way back to replace it. Something thats very annoying in TW Warhammer.

Shogun 2 is very special, and I doubt we’ll see another TW game of it’s caliber ever again which is a bit of a sobering thought.