The commisary needs more love from fatshark


More weapon skins and armor. We have waited more then a year for it to update.
In generall a Store overhaul for the commissary and commodore should happen.
(the none-premium and premium store)

And they need to put something good in there, some select stuff are pretty neat but most things are extremely simple and just recolors which can be fine if it gave us more options in terms of armor and colors variation.

space marine 2 nailed the armor of the guardsmen.

And NCO/officer uniform coat


give it up for day 483 the commissary hasn’t gotten new stock


It has been over a year holy sh*t.


omg hazbin hotel?

damn thats longer then o thought

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some cosmetics to unlock through ordo dockets would be cool.
Even though i like to unlock them with penances!

maybe some free cosmetics to give more choice, and new interesting weapon cosmetics.

I like for example in DRG, that it has a lot of customization in term of color palette, and lot of free skins.


Yes, it should have more colors etc…

But I feel that they should just throw away the “current system” (if we can use this word for the thing we have actually)…

What I really would want from them

This complies with also non premium materials. Like the commissary should have simple colors and textures. And premium would be the sophisticated ones.


commisary should be changed into a customization desk, where color patterns are earned through penances/level ups and freely applied (within GM reason, no buzz lightyear rainbow crap).

yes it would be a copy of sm 2, but honestly, having the paint names gives me good ideas for my 1/12 figures as well since i´m not very deep into brand names (leadbelcher etc.)

what we got right now was a total absence of options for recently added weapons which feels like neglect.

buy models with aquillas, earn colors while playing.

maybe something for @FatsharkStrawHat ´s notebook ? winkwink* :wink:


some default free cosmetic would look so much better with the black palette color :smile:


Sm2 has not invented the wheel… Dawn of war was using such system since 2004.

And what is really strange is to see that people still believe that Game workshop could put a veto on a recolor system… :roll_eyes:

consider my knowledge improved then :+1:
thought their licensing and coherency of design went hand in hand.
as for dawn of war, never touched rts games tbh, again, learned something new :handshake:

maybe times changed, as you said games from the 2000s

maybe now it’s different but dunno.

Sm2 has been released this month
Is it enough close to us?


Space marine 2 literally lets you freely customise colours on individual pieces


Yes, more penance cosmetics aswell would be nice, the feeling of earning it instead of buying it is nice.

Would be nice if they did one really cool version for the panences and then do some recolors in the commisary with some slight modification with ammo pockets, insignia etc

SM 2s is simple yet allegiant with the freedom to change colors.

Would love to have something like that in darktide

really hope with get SOMTHING like that. Feels like fatshark dont want to abondon the re-color cosmetic FOMO completely

I would really, REALLY like to be able to buy some recolors of some of the cosmetics I paid money for.
This would actually get me to spend more money on current cosmetics because I let so many go despite them looking great, just because they don’t have the color-scheme I’m looking for. While if we had a nice gold sink for 4~5 alternative colors in the Commissary, so many of those paid cosmetics would tip into “buy” for me.

They should change the commissary to a spray shop. Whatever items you own…go there to pay for a recolour.

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i like that ide

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