Traitor’s Curse part 2 was released on Nov 2023. It introduced a bug in which having a non-default controller configuration selected would bug out that configuration when the game is started or restarted, like after a crash.
If you use the default control scheme, you can’t dodge quickly enough to avoid sniper fire or auditorally indicated hits coming your way (a completely separate, incredibly poor decision among two related to controller defaults, but I digress. The other one is actually even worse, but the distinction here is the difference between a poor decision and a new bug that is obviously a bug).
At first I didn’t bother making a bug report because it was so obvious, I mentioned it in a few posts, and the hot fixes were rolling in. After a few weeks, I was incredulous, in utter disbelief. I refused to make an official bug report because I started a new job and wasn’t really playing but once every week or two if at all. As I drifted away from the game every time I’d boot up, I’d be in a match and sometimes forget to swap back and forth between configurations so that I could once again properly dodge.
I’ve never seen a controller configuration bug persist for half as long. Sometimes configs reset after a corrective patch and rebinding is a drag, but to leave it in place is unthinkable, especially for the legion of casual whales that they attracted through gamepass on console.
I did eventually make bug report, I think it was 3 or 4 months ago after posting about it several times after patch notes. I’m writing this on my phone so I’m not going to look it up.
This was in the patch notes released yesterday, a full 7 months later:
One of my problems is that I despise gross negligence that is tantamount to brand suicide. Presumably, without gamepass and government funding, this game would be an unmitigated failure. To me this is the kiss of death, a mortal sin.