It’s like playing Darktide all over again. People leave before the game starts, leave when they start losing, whenever they feel like it.
I haven’t lost a single game yet of about eight, and it’s because either the teams are skewed horribly against each other, or we dominate one round and half the enemy team just dips. About two games have been close and fun.
I think the issue is a lot of people coming in to try it, joining using quickplay, and bailing out once they see how things are going.
My experience, trying to play a couple of games, was so confusing and completely one sided. It was a rotating door of team mates, and getting popped from out of nowhere instantaneously.
I guess what I mean to say is, the “new player” experience for Versus is so bad it makes people just outright leave.
nah. Punishing leavers will just make the already small versus playerbase even smaller when they can’t be arsed to play the mode because they get matched against teams who steamroll them.
Ayo, we really need to… Starts game with a 4 man premade on Discord to abuse the lack of matchmaking …so we really need to… Abuses exploit to ignore skaven spawning distance and visibility checks, spawns 3 metersaway from someone with hookrat …WE REALLY OUGHT TO… Gets staggered, abuses hookrat exploit to instantly recover from stagger and grab a hero anyway …DO SOMETHING ABOUT… Abuses hookrat glich to get heroes out of bounds …ABOUT THESE ARSEHOLES… Uses brace of pistol exploit to reset aimpunch all the time …WHO LEAVE GAMES AND BE UNSPORTSMANLIKE N SHIET!
You heard it here, folks, playing with a full party of your friends is abusing matchmaking systems!
Sounds like someone spawning in early and sitting still to ambush, since hook rat players don’t make sound when sitting still.
Sounds like latency problems to me, bad ones - a given considering the servers Versus matchmaking connects you to
This one is a legitimate exploit I’d say, yoinking them onto high unreachable ledges or off cliffs is fine but doing it through walls sucks
That’s just the weapon being poorly balanced. When braced, it has a very low max recoil - this ought to be increased specifically when being shot by Gunner bullets
It is in practice when there are no safeguards to balance the strength that side against the other. It doesnt have to be done for any real reason aside from wanting to play together with friends but it still ends up being absolutely awful for the other side that 9 times outa 10 consists of some randoms.
There are hacks for this X_X
Hacks for this too, massively raised stagger resistance, health and damage for skaven units. Gasrats with no throw CD or gunners with infinite ammo or fire with 3x damage.
Cope, every single thing I’ve written apart from the premade thing are acknowledged bugs and their respective exploits. I’d rather not give a tutorial on how to do each, for obvious reasons, but you can find them in the bugs section of the forums if you don’t blieve me. But you are right about one thing - high latency plays a role in some of them. They are the staple of blue+ rank gameplay, sadly. The BoP exploit in particular is abused by just about every single Bounty Hunter worth their salt, to counter ratlings. In the current state of the game, leaving is not only the last thing you should be complaining about, the ability to do so without punishment is Versus’ only saving grace.
And, as Frostysir has pointed out, there is also a bit of hacking going on, as the anti-cheat in place is merely a placebo.