The addition of Havoc has completely killed my desire to achievement hunt

Before the Grim Protocols update, I was grinding my way to 100% achievements to say that I did so. But having given Havoc a shot and seeing how annoying it is to get 100% completion for it, I no longer have a desire to 100% the game.

Thanks, Fatshark. Really dropped the ball on this one.


I just want the stuff on the track, but they really out here handing you nickels for each penance. Also the number of some elites/specials that you need to kill is totally mismatched.

Some extremely common ones require hardly any kills to max out the penances for them while enemies you sometimes see like 5 of in a match need like 1000 kills.


Havoc mode shouldn’t have any achievements or rewards attached to it imo. It just encourages more bad behaviors in the game, the difficulty itself and being able to complete it should be an accomplishment. Grinding out over a hundred wins, while waiting 20 weeks for resources that are completely useless for the majority of players capable of earning it, just for a penance is terrible and only encourages terrible player behaviors.


As a nearly 900 hrs player, Havoc killed my desire to play the game altogether to be honest. The feel of the game somehow changed, auric is full of very bad players right now and playing Havoc just because of, altough nice, skins is just not fun. Build and weapon variety is non existent almost, you have to hassle with the stupid group finder.


tbh whenever i see this party finder i just want to leave and quickplay maelstrom.

There are far more penance points now than we had 5 months ago. Ive been at 5,000 for months and now im at like 5250 just because of all the new penances. Its easier now than its ever been.

All elites are 1500 each, all specials are 250 each. What they did not account for is director spawning 50 of each special per match and couple of hundreds (shot)gunners accompanied by 5 bulwarks&reapers + 10 crushers
If you dont want to farm those, ignore them. They will complete themselves with more than 300 spare points over the track requirements

A bit overly dramatic for what essentially is 90 malice missions + some taxis to high havocs

Having to Grind out 50 matches for the chest piece/helmet is brutal. Probably just going to do the low level ones whenever they appear.

But what I really don’t appreciate about the Havoc cosmetics is that they encourage going to super low levels (maybe this is the point?) punish pkaying high levels. At high levels the games take longer and have a much higher chance of losing over low level ones.

While I appreciate wanting to reward helping other people, I feel like it won’t help lower level people get better to get power leveled, and it isn’t really fun for the people doing the power leveling.


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