vermintide one was all about that if you remember the shrine of solace… try and get the right perk combo, then invocate a hundred times to get max roll on each one… assuming you got the orange you wanted in the first place… or the reds you were looking for. reds were less work to make work, but a lot of them had meh perk combos. it turned into log in, do bounties, burn through crafting materials at shrine, wash rinse repeat.
You are one of the coolest and most objective persons here and that you played cata is simply awesome, I’m not there yet. And I agree a bit with you, but not completely. What I felt in the beta was an overreliance on career actives and passives carrying people through the game. While in VT1, there was more a reliance on how weapons worked. For me, vermintide should always be a game where the way you handle your weapons is more focused and important than the stats buffing you. While not perfect right now, with careers being weaker overall should lead people to win with their weapona and teamwork over: “select best career to win.” This is why I feel not all classes should be buffed, but I find the ammunitiom decrease so dumb.
TLDR: Careers should support your playstyle, but relying on the career buffs to win will make it less Vermintide-y.
personally i find it’s a bit of both. passives, abilities, and talents will only take you so far. it’s mostly about the weapons and gear, and the other stuff helps push you a bit further. I took a level 1 200 and something hero power into vet and was doing comparable to people that were level 15+ without really using my active, and i had no talents unlocked yet.So… yea… careers help but the weapons and skills (player skills that is) help a lot more in my opinion, as long as your hero power is of an even remotely appropriate level for the difficulty you are on.
as much as i hate to use the scoreboard as any kind of indicator, because it tends to be pretty inaccurate… it is what a lot of people seem to like doing… so here’s an example of a level 3 in veteran.
it doesn’t really showcase how people played in the match, and i like to think we all contributed a decent amount, but yea…
Yeah, I think you are right. But if they take it to far with buffing the careers, it will feel like you choose a career to win and not the one that suits your playstyle. Take me for example: with the recent buffs, I enjoy playing handmaiden and I think I will main shade, just because I love her assassin playstyle.
For me, waystalker for example, will always have a reason to be played with her active and boost on range.
i’ve played both handmaiden and waystalker in champion and had a problem with neither. I tend to prefer the way waystalker feels, but i have no problems with handmaiden. depends how i’m feeling, and depends on the group.
I think that is how it should be, in my opinion ^^ viability might not be perfect right now, but it’s getting better. And yeah, scorebord comparing is stupid.
There is a gap between nerfing “power buttons” or abilities and breaking whole careers killing the diversity of playstyles right on bootup. Take that into consideration.
When I hear powerbutton I also have to think about downing V1 Rogers in seconds on Nightmare or Cata with strength pot + volley crossbow, repeater or hagbane. I’ve read so many lines about evil OP bosskillers while in glorious V1 Bosses on hard were basically solo oneshots and higher difficulties took about ten seconds for any randomgroup to beat the crap out of them. Same with clearing waves with drakefire or beamstaff.
And yes I didn’t even read half of your text because it seems like a “I’m a veteran and only newcomers or bad players disagree with my extremely well thought but unpopular opinion” fedorarant also probs for using the word “humble” you are the most humble person I’ve ever met.
Exactly. This is nothing new since it already existed in V1… I’ve also seen a nightmare and cata ogre destroyed in all of 2 seconds with pot share strength potion and 4 grenades to his face.
im so tired on you idiots saying V1 was a melee focused game when it wasn’t that game had great melee and ranged combat and i never felt that i had to play melee i used range all the time and it was great mostly cause of salt and my 56 ammo BoP so yeah people need to stop crying and nerfing crap cause V1 was a combined arms game not just melee