Thammer huge nerf

I had occasion to spectate some Zealot with Thunderhammer today, and i’ve noticed that now even thunderhammer deactivates its energyzed attack when he takes melee damage

I think this mechanic should disappear at once, nevermind that it renders thunderhammers completely useless now


Have you actually played with a thunder hammer after the patch, or just basing your opinion on spectating one zealot?


just stating my observations on spectating one zealot, i confronted him asking about it in chat but he didn’t reply

The weapon activation turning off on stagger happens to every activated weapon now I think. But Thammers are in a really good spot now - the Crucis is actually usable with the overhead after activation and buffed carapace damage.

so you are saying that if he would have used the anti stagger perk he would have been able to keep it active?

back when i was playing thammer zealot myself i never went for that perk

when playing with this zealot in game he was only able to land light powered attacks on bosses, i was letting him hit the boss rather than blasting them with my bolter since i’ve noticed we had a zealot with thammer

but he really seemed to struggle with them, then i died and i’ve found out that he was getting his heavy special attacks deactivated by anything, even the light attacks sometimes, that was very different from my past experience with the weapon

So i’m testing what i said in psykanium and no, it doesn’t deactivate when getting hit in melee, it still does that sometimes, but its inconsistent, i wonder what causes it

(not even using the uninterruptible perk)

i’m hating the new crucis overhead strike though, i was too used to the old one, i guess i’ll just switch to ironhelm

ok it gets deactivated when you are struck by bosses like plague ogryn, and by anything that move you around like explosions of sort

so its not as shitty as with power sword where any melee damage does deactivate your sword, even the first strike

it has changed from the past though, even demon host jabs does deactivate you weapon now, so the nerf talk is still applicable


mmmh, now i get deactivated even when i fight newly infected

ok SO

the only instance where my attack stay buffed is when he hits me right before i hit him

but even if he hits me at the middle of my charged attack he still interrupt my attack and deactivate my special

moral of the story my observations were right at the beginning


I believe it is linked to the bugs with energized weapons:


Common Thy Wrath Be Swift W.

More seriously power weapon turning off immediately when being hit is lame and I hope they fix it.

I do think saying this is a “massive nerf” is a bit silly. Especially since you have an already almost mandatory talent that circumvents it. Still a much better state after patch overall, but yeah this issue should be addressed so happy for any kind of attention being drawn to it.


if you mean this

i would actually not advise going for this talent at all, it makes your attacks uninterruptible when you get 5 stacks of hitting at least 3 enemies at the same time

n1 it doesn’t work on bosses

n2 it doesn’t work on crucis, because you want to use unpowered attacks to clear hordes anyways

n3 i think its a huge nerf since i can’t duel bosses like before in psykanium, never mind in actual games

i watched the first video (plus i’m testing power sword in the psykanium) and i’m starting to see a pattern

every time it fails to activate his sword is when he is doing it while recovering from a strike, i’m observing this on psykanium too

whenever i try to activate my specail right after i got hit it doesn’t activate, i’m afraid this seems more a feature than a bug

Hell no.

I meant the talent I started my reply with:

All stun immune no condition (including ranged which isn’t listed). People talk about Holy Rev being mandatory but between it and TWBS the latter is the one I will ALWAYS force into my Zealot build.


i literally never noticed that, since i always gone for holy revenant out of lazyness

but if what you say its true yes, that could be a very good deal

i don’t know what should i sacrifice for that though, can you post your thammer build for me?

with chastise the wicked though

i’ve just gone like this

it works by the way, i’m not getting my thammer deactivated anymore, very good

Well generally on a throwing knife build (because throwing knives are unbelievably goated and also next to the best survival nodes) its pretty easy to pick them up. And then since duelist takes a wipe on any damage related things you could possibly bring you head left, and you may as well grab resist death while you’re there. Zealot without thy wrath be swift has escape options of a normal human, ie why are you playing Zealot.

But yeah this should be fixed yesterday. And give Zealot those recon lasguns, I only got one from melker so far.

God, the graphics on that image remind me of 1998…


why? it’s so much better since the chance to hit a random poxie was lowered to minimum

new crucis is great, just nerf the unyielding on it

Special attack effects being deactivated is an intended feature, where I initially also thought it was a bug on the Power Sword.

I suspected it was being staggered by an enemy, but I think it’s taking any hit at all.

I made this thread in May 2023, so they’ve known about it for a long time:

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That’s not the same. It was only on PS with powercyler for attack after the first.

Since the crafting update it effect other activated weapons and PS at (or more precisely before) the first attack.


I’m a stun grenade, left tree enjoyer so usually something like these depending on keystone preference:

Can’t remember if Ironhelm needs purge the unclean for unyielding breakpoints, if so would probably give up the two bottom right nodes for it.

Brauto is a natural pairing with DoD and for thinning Rager groups IMO. I know not having an option for long distance sniper killing if a deal breaker for some though.


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