Terrible priorities

Well, that and its “not the end of the world”, “not our top priority issue right now” etc. While simultaneously not revealing what their top priority issue is currently. It really feels like they just tell us off at this point.


I’d love to have dupes but only after I have 1 of each red, I’d consider it bad luck or “rng” if I had maybe 2 or 3 of something while I have 0 or 1 of the other but that’s not the case. I have 10 necklaces , about 10 trinks, just the other week I had 0 charms cus I was either getting necklaces or trinks but today I have 8 charms… I think having 30 non weapon items is kinda useful because you don’t have to reroll, if the reroll system was better I would be happy if I only have 1 of each , I’d be even happier if I had at least 1 of each weapon before getting 10 of each non weapon items . When opening a vault I’m kinda happier to get oranges and lower most of the time because when it’s a red I don’t want, I just feel disappointed and that the unwanted red I got could have been something I actually wanted. There is hardly ever that feeling of WOO HOO A RED I WANTED!!! When I actualy get the red I want I think “it’s about godamn time.”

The thing is that there is an equal chance of getting these non weapon items on every single hero. Which explains the absurd amount of them in red. Maybe they should allow you to play as Franz or smtn just to get non weapon items and restrict any other vault you open to give you reds on the character you’re playing.


They just posted the newsletter saying Xbox is releasing on July 11th. That’s… Ambitious. I have no idea about the current state of the game on Xbox, but it can’t be better than on PC.

And ofc no news about PC future, though it’s understandable they’d want the Xbox announcement to be a separate thing.

Now if only they’d do a newsletter/update for PC too…


If they focus on dedicated server they will easily fix almost 50% of bugs.

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I’d say the opposite, as everyone would be a client, and most of the bugs hit the clients, not the host :wink:




I’ll keep not recommending v2 to friends for a while.


And then PS4.


Glorious. Now it went from the feeling that they are telling us off to them actually telling us off. Thx fatshark, glad you got your “priorities” straight.


This is a geniune masterplan to be honest.

  • Make a great game. (it is great).
  • Fix only so much bugs that players tend to leave but don’t.
  • Earn $
  • Do not invest that in bugfixing. Invest in xbox release.
  • Release again an unfinished game
  • Earn $ with a founderspack and the awesome keep decoration
  • Again: don’t invest ressources in fixing bugs, because people already paid. instead use that $ again to release an unfinished for the PS4.

If they feelin’ frisky, they might consider a Switch release :smiley:

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wot about, a fruit ninja type mobile game, but vermintide themed, with rats!

would totally buy to play. hahahahah

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I’m going to play devil’s advocate here since the narrative is pretty much set in stone anyways, buuut:

I’m actually kind of glad that Fatshark decided to focus on releasing the PC version first. I saw a lot of old school PC devs jump ship to console throughout gaming (id, Rockstar, BioWare, etc…), and what they typically do is just work on the console version and then contract a PC port that most times ends up horrendous.

It’s kind’a nice to see a dev. team who was made by PC gaming actually sticking with PC development primarily and foremost and not just crapping out a PC port after becoming successful. I’m down to cut them some leeway on bug fixes and patching as they’ve shown no indications they’re done with it.


Maybe this is Fatsharks last release and they’re looking to cash out lol

funny how people do not realize that the problem is not dupes themselves. We have something like 50-50 chance of receiving jewelry or weapon. And since we have 2 types of weapon BUT 3 types of jewelry, and everyone can use any j. but not any weapon, it’s not hard to understand, why we see more red dupes, than weapon dupes.

Yes, even adjusting the percent ratio would be a big improvement. Since accessories work on every character, we should only get them 20% as often as weapons. They should be special but as it stands, they’re just trash that rains from the sky.

I think that you should not start receiving red weapon dupes untill you have all weapon types of veteran rarity for that particual class.


yes! yes.