Since Fatshark is allergic to telling us things here, I bring news

No cosmetic shop rotation today. Probably why we don’t have a ‘hotfix’ rn.

Apparently @FatsharkStrawhat has time to hang around the Discord to tell people things, just not the forums.

To be clear, I don’t care about the cosmetics, they’re usually garbage.

I care because when one studio is releasing massive balance patches that are carefully explained and published through multiple avenues, the other can’t be bothered to keep people on their own forums posted about anything.

EDIT: Though it would be funny if Fatshark did finally conclude ‘oh hey constantly issuing hotfixes with the shop rotation makes people mad’ and instead of focusing on making more content and fixes they instead decided to stop making updates to go with the shop rotation.


Yeah. Just looked through the very detailed and carefully explained patch notes for HD2. The sheer volume of balance changes, of fixes, and oh yeah, they’re also releasing a warbond later today.

The output really shows how hopelessly inept Fatshark is in comparison.


It’s Thursday. Are they gonna tell us anything new or is it just the emoji now?


AFAICT it’s just the emoji, unless Fatshark remembers the forums exists and posts something here. Give it about five hours ig.


What a joke

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The next patch better slap, already bored with the mostly useless and unnecessary penance content.

Whoever thought penances should be prioritized first is an idiot.

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not gonna argue that the way of communication or rather the lack of it isn´t something that creates a positive vibe, the content (correct me if i´m wrong) in question would have been cosmetics and perhaps a small hotfix.

if they blunder the 25th main event i´d be up in pitchforks and chainswords, but not getting drip ( again, no excuse for poor communication ) isn´t affecting my week in game much.

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True, but in addition to the lack of hotfix, I’m worried that we’re not going to see anything at all. That the ‘main event’ is going to be delayed because the only thing they have to tell us for weeks on end is emojis on Twitter.

To say nothing of the itemization update.


So… No news?

The complexity of it all. The 28th one is sure to be a premium-er revision so I can see why they didn’t even have anything ready (again) or had issues (again).

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@FatsharkStrawHat Why isn’t anything being posted on the announcement section of the forums?

Why are paying customers required to use 3rd party apps to get information on the game, instead of it being posted in the official forums?

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Dont worry, vermintide 2 is still getting plenty of content and updates.

Yeah the premium store can run dry for a couple months for all I care. The vast majority of things released are either of bad quality, overpriced, stupid looking or some cursed combination of all of the above.

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In that day i say that, but i never want to be Nostradamus

Just imagine if they added the FIFTH page with some older cosmetic sets. People would just get so confused!


Technically unfeasible. We all know cosmetic pages cap out at 3. Even 4 was pushing it.
They’d have to a hire 3-4 extra teams and take 8 more weeks of vacation for that.

We would also have to buy every cosmetic they sell to ‘keep the lights on’. I can’t imagine that working.


It’s no consolation at all, but even on Discord Strawhat only ever communicates in relation to the cosmetics store rotation.

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“Hey guys, due to some technical problems there will be no Commodore’s Vestures rotation today. We’ll keep you updated!”

Copy-paste to X, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit.

It’s not that hard to keep players informed, Fatshark.

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Since something has gone wrong with their prized FOMO store, I bet the Darktide devs are working harder than they have been since before launch…

When they worked hard to make sure the FOMO store launched in perfect working condition, in a game that was completely and totally broken and unfinished.

I bet it’s all hands on deck now that something untoward has happened to their biweekly whale fishing.


But guys… :pick::gear::ice_cube: